
Wrap Up Bury Poster – Tottington and Bury West Rotary

Dear All,

Please see the attached poster and message below from Kim Griffiths regarding local collection points for unwanted coats.


Julie Southworth


GVC AGM tonight

A late notice for all you that may like to attend tonight’s AGM meeting.

Monday 18th October 2021 at 7.30pm in The Old School


Table Top Sales – Old School

Good Evening All

Just a quick reminder that the table top sales are now being held in the Old School only on the first Saturday of each month together with a ‘Drop In’.

There is no sale tomorrow.

Have a great weekend.

Julie Southworth


Fundraising Event, St Annes Church Hall

Dear All,

Please see attached a fundraiser in aid of Breast, Ovarian and Cervical

A Fashion Show is to be held at St. Anne’s Church Hall, Tottington on
Saturday 23rd October from 2.30pm.

Only 23 tickets left, please support if you can,.


Cuppa and Chat dates for your diary also Healthwatch Information

Dear All,

It was lovely, yet again to see so many at our weekly Cuppa and Chat session on Thursday afternoon, and some new faces too. We were visited by two members from The Healthwatch Bury group, who are welcoming people to ‘Have their say on local health and social care services’.

Healthwatch visit different areas of Bury to meet with its residents and they will be returning to us in the next 4 to 6 weeks.  If you have something to report or make enquiries about please do not hesitate to come to Greenmount Old School between 2 and 4pm on a Thursday afternoon. The date of their next visit will be confirmed in due course. One of the main questions yesterday was ‘Are we having our Flu Jabs at our GP’. The answer to this question is no. You can find more information on this link

Please note, if you wish to speak to a member of the Healthwatch team, you do not need to be attending a Cuppa and Chat as there will be a separate area available for anyone wishing to speak in private.

Dates for your diary:

21st OctoberSing-A-Long with Don

4th NovemberWinter Warmer.  Please note this will be at the earlier time of 12.45pm as there will be a Hot Pot/Cheese Pie lunch available as well as Parkin to mark the season. In order to help with catering we are asking that people book in advance by replying to this email.

!6th DecemberChristmas with Greenmount Strummers

To help with the funding of these events we now have a weekly donation of just £1 towards refreshments.

I look forward to seeing you soon,

With kind regards,

Julie Southworth


Bury North update email

Dear All,

Please see below and attached the latest update from Bury North Hub, Bury MBC

Julie Southworth

Chairperson Visit our web site The information transmitted is intended only for the entity or person to whom it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material.  Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited.  If you receive this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material from any computer or media on which it resides 

Hi all,

I hope the following information is of use to you, please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification or have other questions and I will do my best to help.


Austin and I visited Ramsbottom Pantry and Brandlesholme Foodbank recently and just wanted to highlight what amazing work the volunteers are doing. Both sites have experienced an increase in demand and anticipate this will increase further as benefits are cut and the impact on individuals as fuel prices and other costs of living are rising.

If you have time to give to helping others and would be interested in helping either cause as a volunteer or via donations, please contact them directly or let me know and I can connect you. Brandlesholme Community Centre are also seeking Trustees, please contact them if you would like to know more.

Vaccination information

There are two attachments regarding the roll out and the latest Covid bulletin which may be of use to you, please share this information with others you are connected with.

What’s happening in Bury North for the community?

We are currently re-mapping out what groups are in Bury North (Elton, Tottington, North Manor and Ramsbottom) so that we can develop an up to date local list so that we can signpost effectively and support groups as best we can. We appreciate that we have had lots of this information in the past via various teams in the voluntary sector and council but appreciate how much may have changed due to the pandemic.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could email an update of what groups / sessions you provide (if any), so that we can include them on the list we are collating.

 St John’s Church, Tottington

I called in last week to meet with Reverend Anthony Roberts who is new and really keen to work with the community and already has many exciting plans in place including a Christmas Market (stalls available to hire at only £10). There are rooms available for the community to use at the Church including a kitchen, if this may be of use to you / your organisation please make contact:

Rev Anthony Roberts

Presbyter in Charge 

St Johns Free Church of England

Kirklees Street 



07383 969264

If you are on Instagram, Twitter or Facebook you can search for the Church please follow them to keep updated on what is happening.

Funding opportunities

There are new community funding opportunities coming soon, I will keep you updated as soon as I have the full details to share.


The VCFA in Bury are offering training on bid writing to support people to apply for funding opportunities, please see their website for further details:

Please check if you are registered with eth VCFA as they do have some people signed up to the newsletter but who are not members so not benefiting from all the services, they could such as support to find volunteers. Contact the VCFA to find out more.

If you have any questions or requests for particular information, please let me know.

Kind regards


Tracey Coatman

Bury North, Community Hub Manager

Bury Council

Town Hall



Tel: 07581 018489


Line Dancing

Good Morning,

I have been asked recently when Line Dancing will commence at Greenmount Old School. It is now taking place on Friday afternoons from 1pm till 3pm. Please see the attached poster for more details.

Have fun,


Julie Southworth


October News from The Tottington Centre

Dear All,

Please see the latest news from Tottington Centre. It is great to see everything up and running again.

Newsletter from The Tottington Centre October 2021. 

Opening Times for borrowing books and for computer access: 

  • Monday to Friday 10.00 – 5pm. Saturday 10.00 – 12 noon. 

Opening Times for The Tottington Tea Room: 

  • Monday – Friday 10.00 – 4.00pm. 

Dates For Your Diary in October. 

Quiz Night at Walshaw Sports Club: Friday 15 October 2021. 

  • This is a major fundraiser for The Tottington Centre and it’s back! The questions have been set, the supper planned and the venue booked. Now all we need is you! 
  • Tickets are £8: included in the price is a supper – vegetarian option available. 
  • Tickets are now on sale in The Tottington Centre – payment by card or cash.  
  • When you purchase your tickets, please could you let our volunteers know if you are opting for the vegetarian supper. If you have already bought tickets please can you let us know if you are opting for the vegetarian supper. 
  • There is a bar on the night, plus stand up Bingo and a raffle. 

We hope to see all our friends and supporters there. Enjoy! 

Porch Boxes:  This Saturday 2 October from 10 – 11am in our car park. 

  • The Tottington Centre continues to partner Porch Boxes to help support the local community and they are collecting for Autumn/Harvest time in our car park on the above date. There is a poster in the library  and on social media which lists essential foodstuffs so desperately needed. Donation points are also at Morrison’s in Ramsbottom, at Tesco’s in Ramsbottom and at Tesco’s Bury. Their Facebook page is: and Twitter at Tweet us:@porchboxes. 

Knit and Natter: Wednesday 13 October on Bury Market. 

  • Knit and Natter will be on their stall in Bury Market on 13 October, selling amazing handknitted goodies. A spot of early  Christmas shopping maybe? 
  • Support them if you can as they will be raising money for Bury Hospice and us once more. 

Children’s Activities Are Back! 

  • To coincide with National Libraries Week (4 – 10 October) we are relaunching our Children’s Activities sessions from Monday 4 October. We know that you have missed them and so have the Activities Team. They can’t wait to welcome our young members back. 


  • Monday – Thursday: 3-4.30pm 
  • Wednesday and Thursday: Storytime at 2pm 
  • Friday: Lego Club 3-4.30pm 
  • Saturday: 10 – 12 noon 

Important changes to Children’s Activities

  • All sessions will need to be prebooked. Booking forms are in the library with a phone number for booking these sessions or you can just pop in and prebook in person. Whatever is easiest for you. 
  • Call in for more details. A voluntary donation of 50p would help cover the cost of materials for the activities. Thank you. 
  • Activity Packs are still available to buy for £1. Keep a look out for new ones – you may spot Halloween and Christmas packs coming soon. 

A Date For Your Diary in December. 

The Tottington Christmas  Fayre: Saturday 4 December 10 – 4pm. 

  • You will find all you need for Christmas here at The Tottington Centre on Saturday 4 December. 
  • You will be able to buy Christmas/Winter themed books and jigsaws as presents for family and friends. Or treat yourself and settle down to a good book or to a brain stimulating jigsaw over the Christmas period. 
  • Handcrafted Christmas cards will be on sale.  
  • Glittering, glamorous jewellery will be on sale. 
  • Other stalls are being booked and more details will follow. 
  • There will be a raffle, a tombola, activities for children and much more. 
  • Keep a look out on our social media sites for further details. 

Other activities in the Tottington Centre. 

  • To mark National Libraries Week, (4-10 October) we will be displaying the best Crime novels of the last two years, including books from the Gold Dagger Award and from the British Book Awards. Many of these books have been donated by you, our members. We have also been able to buy brand new Crime fiction because of the money raised at our book sales. Without your support we would not have been able to do this. Also during October, our book sale table will feature Crime, Mystery and Thrillers.  
  • Next month the theme will be Remembrance and Local History. 

New Groups: 

  • The Men’s Club still has spaces. It runs every 2nd  and 4th Wednesday of the month from 10.30 – 12 noon. Call in at the Centre for details. 
  • Book Group. On Tuesdays. If you are interested in joining this, please call in at the Centre and one of our volunteers will take your contact details and the organiser of the Book Group will contact you. 

Room Hire at The Tottington Centre: 

  • We are taking bookings for our Bronte and Dickens rooms. The rate is £10 per hour for Community groups/Individuals or £12.50 per hour for Commercial groups/Individuals.Please call in to pick up a booking form. 

The 100 Club – continuing to be a source of income for us:                                           

  • Thank you so much for continuing to support The Tottington Centre’s 100 Club. You can join this fundraising draw by paying £5 a month or £60 a year, whichever suits you best. Over £2000 has been given away as prize money in the last 12 months and we have benefitted by £2000 too.. Are you one of the lucky winners? Would you like to be? Packs are available via email: i[email protected] and we will send them out to you or pop in for a pack. The draw takes place on the third Friday of the month and the winners are announced on our social media platforms, our website and in this newsletter.  
  • Latest results for the August draw: 
  • 1st   prize Number 22 wins £103.50 
  • 2nd  prize Number 13 wins £51.75 
  • 3rd  prize Number 17 wins £17.25 
  • If you are one of the lucky winners, you cheque will be in the post and the cheque can be deposited into your bank account via the Post Office. 

Inkjet Cartridges: 

  • Please save any used/empty inkjet cartridges. We will collect and recycle for the fundraising team. Again, thank you for your support with this. 

The Tottington Tea Room. 

  • Don’t forget to pop in – you will receive a warm welcome from Rebecca and James. Not only that but the food is delicious. You can book tables and takeaways too. 


PS Our friends at the Tottington and District Horticultural Society would like to invite you to a talk by George Pilkington on “Gardening for Wildlife: Give Them a Home.” This will be on Wednesday 13 October at 8pm at Greenmount Old School.  

Best wishes, from Friends of Tottington Library (FOTL)

Contact us at:

Email:                  [email protected]         



Phone:                 07902 671040

Address:              The Tottington Centre, Market Street, Tottington, Bury BL8 3LL

Thank you for your donations to help support the Centre and Library:

Just Giving:



Ramsbottom Wellbeing Class – Dundee United Reform Church

Dear All,

Please see below an opportunity for some armchair exercise run by Shelley Caufield at Dundee United Reform Church, Ramsbottom. Please see the details below.


Julie Southworth

Good morning,

I would like to put this new class on your radar please.  There haven’t been many exercise group sessions restarted so thought this would possibly be ideal for some of your members.

Monday’s 10-10.45am at Dundee United Reform Church in Ramsbottom.  The class is 45 minutes in length and is called Live Well Fitness.  It is based around a chair however not all seated, however participants can remain seated if they prefer or need to for health reasons.

It is very gentle and effective exercise for the full body, will improve cardiovascular function, strength, and balance.

It is £3.75 a class.  No need to book can just turn up, however please arrive 5 minutes before the class starts to get seated.

If you need any further information, please just let me know.

Thank you


Shelley Caulfield

Live Well Service

Exercise Referral Team Leader

Tel:     0161 253 6618

Email: [email protected]

Bury Sport and Physical Activity Service,

Castle Leisure Centre, Bolton Street, Bury.  BL9 OEZ


Horticultural Society Talk

Dear All,

I am pleased to say that the Tottington and District Horticultural Society are back!! Here is a message from the chair Dorothy Heaton:-

You are invited to attend a talk at Greenmount Old School on Wednesday 13th October 2021. The theme for this evening is “Gardening for Wildlife…..give them a home”. This will be delivered by George Pilkington at 8pm.

Best wishes,

Julie Southworth