
Greenmount Primary School Appeal

Can you help our PTA ?

We’re not asking you for money !

Are you a Facebook user .. if you are, please read on !

As part of the fund raising for the permanent second hand uniform shop, we have been accepted as part of a crowd funding initiative through Aviva. This is to help us buy the fittings for the shop.

We’re not asking you for money !

We’d like to spread the word far and wide about our project and the crowd funding initiative … if you’re a Facebook user, would you like and share our project page far and wide ?

The further we can get it shared, the more interest we can attract. We’ve already raised £257 of our £600 target. We’ve only got 33 days left and we’d love to reach or exceed our target.

Thanks for your help !!


Dance Like a Mother – Babywearing Dance Classes

£6 – First Class (New Attendee only)
£7 – Single Class£30 – 5 Classes (any dates & can be transferred)
The class is at 10am to 11am every week (with social time after class too)

DATES – 2022 
Weds 23rd March 
Weds 30th March 
Weds 6th April (OFF For Easter Break)
Weds 27th April (every Weds until)
Weds 27th July(OFF For August)
Weds 31st August (Every Weds until)
Weds 14th Dec (Break for Christmas) 

Bookings on the webpage below


Walking Group Funding News

Dear All,

Just to make you aware that Greenmount Walking Group have been successful in being awarded funding from The Pitch. Thank you to all those who gave their vote and support for the continued work this group achieves for Greenmount Village Community.

As part of this Pitch award we will be holding an Events Fair to advertise all the activities taking place in the north of Bury, including both indoor and outdoor activities.  More details to follow when they are available.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


D-CaFF opening!

The Strummers’ will join us on Friday 8th April at 1.15pm.


Two upcoming events

Good Afternoon

Please find attached two events which you may find interesting.

On Wednesday 9th March there is a talk about the Cinder Hill Field by Holcombe Moor Heritage Group at the Golf Club.

On Saturday 12th March there is a FREE Bike Safety Check session at the Old School, bring your bike down for free advice.

Kind regards

Julie Southworth


Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan / Bury & Greenmount Planning Documents

Good Afternoon

For your information, there has been an update on the Greater Manchester Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan (P4E), formerly the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF), issued by Bury MBC planning department. The development plan documentation, which covers the period until 2037, has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate covering every borough in Greater Manchester. Please find attached to this email the Notice of Submission which explains the procedure for the next stage of the plan, including where the documents are available for inspection electronically.

Each of the documents for all ten boroughs can be viewed here:

For ease I have extracted links to the documents specific to development planning in Bury, including the site omissions and issues raised.

Bury Community Involvement Compliance Statement:

Additions to Bury Greenbelt:

Bury Omission Sites Issues:

Bury’s Allocations Issues Summary:

Specifically, regarding Greenmount, several sites in the immediate area were submitted by landowners for consideration for development in the plan.  It is now confirmed that all of these have been turned down and do not appear in the plan.  I have attached a screenshot however concerning the omission from the plan of a major site which was proposed in Greenmount, the land bordered by Longsight Road and Brandlesholme Road and land bordered by Shepherd Street near its junction with Brandlesholme Road. The omission of this site from development has been challenged by Peel L&P Investments. I have attached a screenshot of the relevant page in the Omission Sites Issue document where Peel Holdings have raised an issue with this parcel of land having been refused permission and the planner’s response to their issue.  Note: This land in Greenmount is not included in the final P4E plan but appears to be one of those areas to be still under threat of development if the P4E plan should fail for any reason.

Best wishes 

Julie Southworth



TDHS – Spring Show

Spring Show is on Saturday April 2nd.

Details in schedules available in Old School.

More details nearer the time


Talk / Demonstration “Chutney and Cheer “

Talk / Demonstration “ Chutney and Cheer “ by Melanie Latham plus Sale of jars of chutney.

March 9th at 8pm in Greenmount Old School.

£2 including tea and biscuits & free raffle ticket.

Everyone welcome.


Co-op Local Community Fund

Dear All,

As you may be aware, Greenmount Village Community were successful in bidding to be one of the local causes to receive support from the Co-op.

This means that you can choose us as your local cause,  we will then receive 1p for every £1 you spend on Co-op branded items. This does not sound a lot, but all adds up to helping us pay for more benches down The Lines.

We have already reached nearly £200 from the support of residents.  If you have not yet signed up for a Co-op card you can phone 0800 0686 727.

Alternatively, log in to the Co-op app and select ‘membership’ to view the local cause options. You can select Greenmount Village Community as your cause online through your member account.

Please let me know if you have any queries, as the old saying goes “Pennies make ££££££££s”.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth


Bike repair activity – 12th March

Bring your bike for a

FREE Bike Safety Check

with UCC (Urban Cycle Centre)

on Saturday March 12th from 10.30am in the Old School Yard
