
Important Information – Bury Council Elections – May 5th 2022

Dear All

Make sure you are registered to vote!  The local elections are four weeks away and this is your chance to have your say about who represents you on Bury Council.

There are two important changes to note this year:

  • There have been some boundary changes so please check your poll card when it arrives, so you know where to vote.
  • As a result of the boundary changes across the borough, all 51 council seats are up for election, so you will have THREE votes rather than the usual one.

If you are not already on the electoral roll, the deadline to register to vote in these elections is midnight on Thursday 14th April.

To register, go to  You will be asked for your National Insurance number, but you can still register if you do not have one.

If you don’t usually vote by post, you can apply for one by downloading a form here:

You will need to return this form before 5pm on Tuesday 19th April. Once you have provided the required information, you will be sent a ballot paper approximately two weeks before the day of the election. If you apply to vote by post, you will not be able to vote in person at a polling station.

Read more:


Rotary Concert for Ukraine / MOD Firing Correction

Good Morning

Please could you support this event in aid of Ukraine being organised by Ramsbottom Rotary, at St Paul’s Church on 23rd April.

See attached poster for full details, tickets can also be purchased from Rotarian Jim Hurst [email protected] 

Also, a correction to my email yesterday regarding MOD firing at the Holcombe Moor Training Centre.  The firing is actually on Wednesday (today), Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and not Friday as I incorrectly stated yesterday.

Best Wishes

John Southworth


Next Woodland Management


The next Woodland Management session will be on Friday 29th April starting at 10am meeting at Old Kays Park in the car park on Hollymount Lane. There remains a lot of work to do in this park felling all the dead trees and opening up the space for the new saplings to grow.

I hope that you can join us.

Kind regards,




Dear All

Please find attached a schedule of guided walks planned by the Greenmount Village Community Walking Group in April and May.

All are welcome, no membership required, come regularly or just occasionally.  You are advised to wear appropriate clothing and hiking boots.  We will walk even if it is raining! On longer walks bring a packed lunch. There are plenty of stiles and several steep inclines.  Sorry no dogs.

See our website for detailed information on West Pennine Way, Link to Pennine Way and Friday Evening Walks starting 6th May.

Julie Southworth



Holcombe Moor plus firing dates

Good Morning

If anyone is planning to go up on Holcombe Moor or Bull Hill this week or over the weekend, please note that the MOD will be Live Firing at the Holcombe Moor Training Centre on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

During these times, the red flags will be flying and the range area, including the public rights of way across it is strictly OUT OF BOUNDS to the public.

Please help to keep open normal access to this area and avoid hindering training activities by respecting this temporary closure.

Take care

John Southworth




Cuppa and Chat – The Merry Trotter

Dear All,

Just to make you aware at tomorrow’s Cuppa and Chat we are hosting ‘The Merry Trotter’.

This is a ‘hands on’ interactive project called the Mobile Museum of Memorabilia.

Join us to view the memorabilia from past decades, with tea and cake, only £1.

From 2pm until 4pm, at Greenmount Old School, BL8 4DS.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Tottington and District Horticultural Show – this Saturday

The not to be missed Tottington and District Horticultural Show takes place this Saturday, 2nd April at Greenmount Old School.

The timetable is as follows:

Staging of entries to various classes from 9.00 am to 12 noon

Judging commences at 12.30pm

Open to public at 2.00 pm

Prize giving at approximately at 4.15pm

Sale of exhibits & raffle at approximately 4.30 pm

The organisers also welcome anyone who could help in the kitchen or on the door for an hour or so.

Please contact Dorothy Heaton on 01204 883379 if you need to get in touch

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Let’s Do It current sessions

Dear All,

Please see attached and below the latest news about the various activities taking place around Bury.

In the next few months, Greenmount Village Community will also be advertising its own activity which has been funded by Bury Council Health Improvement Fund.

To commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, there will be a Well-being Trail created in Greenmount to offer exercises for all abilities. We hope to have this up and running in time for the Jubilee weekend, when we will have lots of activities taking place, more information to follow.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth

Hi All

I hope you are well, here’s my updated list of current activities, sessions and support for Bury East, North and 2 covering Pan Bury. It is great to see so much happening with the help of the Health Improvement Fund. If you are not on there, or your sessions need updating further, let me know the details. I have also attached posters for  the Easter sessions from Bee Inclusive.

Please share with your groups, contacts, on your social media, with your mailing list and print off to put on your notice board if applicable. We need these sessions to reach the wider community so please help to get the word out.

Thank you


Kathy Taylor






Line Dancing

Dear All,

This is a reminder that Line Dancing is now up and running at Greenmount Old School on Fridays at 1pm.

Beginners are welcome, but if you have done this before, I am sure you will be grateful of a refresher after the past two years!!

A great opportunity to meet new people in the community.

Please contact Cynthia on 07773677657 to express your interest.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth


March Newsletter from The Tottington Centre

News from The Tottington Centre March 2022. 

Opening Times for borrowing books and for computer access: 

  • Monday to Friday 10.00am – 5pm. Saturday 10.00am – 1pm. 

The Tottington Tea Room Opening Times: 

  • Monday to Friday: 10.00am – 4pm. 
  • Saturday: 10.00am – 1pm. 

Donations for Ukraine. 

Donations poured into The Tottington Centre by the carload!! On one day alone, our volunteers drove to the Polish Centre ten times with all your donations. Volunteers worked in the evenings too, dropping off much needed supplies for Ukraine. Some volunteered at the Polish Centre, helping to sort through bin bags and to load up boxes into the lorries. 

The Tottington Centre was proud to help and to be part of the community. 

A special thanks must go to Bob Duckworth. He came into the Tea Room (with his dogs) hoping for a sit down and a drink. Little did he know what was in store for him! Bob saw the boxes and bags all over the reception floor and in an instant walked back home, drove his van around to us and offloaded a van full of donations at the Polish Centre. 

Thank you for helping us out, Bob. Did you ever get your sit down and drink? 

Thank you for supporting Our Big Book Sale. 

  • Did you enjoy the books you bought? 
  • Were the jigsaws fun to do? 
  • Did you win plenty of chocolates in the Chocolate Tombola? If you did – did you save it or eat it all in one go? Were you “chocolated” out!! 
  • Did you win the Mother’s Day Hamper or any of the other raffle prizes? Lucky you if you did! 
  • Did your children like the activities put on for them? 

Thank you for supporting us: for spending your money with us; for supporting The Tottington Tea room; for donating books and jigsaws – without these there would not be a sale. Keep the donations coming in please so that we can have more days like these. 

Over the two days you helped us to raise over £1200. Thank you. 

PS With some of the money raised we were able to buy a selection of brand-new Autobiographies/Biographies. They are on the display stand as you enter the library. Read about how footballers weren’t always millionaires; Tom Daly’s fantastic achievements and how Kate Garraway coped with her husband’s illness, to name but a few.   

Fun Wine Tasting Fundraiser. 

  • Tickets for this event, Saturday 28th May, will be on sale early May.  
  • There will be a light supper and a raffle too. 
  • Looking forward to seeing you then. 

Our Tottington Village Fete Saturday June 25th 2022. 

Our Everyday Fundraising Events. 

Inkjet Cartridges: 

  • Please save any used/empty inkjet cartridges. We will collect and recycle for the fundraising team. Again, thank you for your support with this. 

The 100 Club – continuing to be a source of income for us: 

  • Thank you so much for continuing to support The Tottington Centre’s 100 Club. You can join this fundraising draw by paying £5 a month or £60 a year, whichever suits you best. Packs are available via email: i[email protected] and we will send them out to you or pop in for a pack. The draw takes place on the third Friday of the month and the winners are announced on our social media platforms, our website and in this newsletter.  
  • Latest results for the February draw: 
  • 1st   prize Number 4 wins £105 
  • 2nd  prize Number 32 wins £52.50 
  • 3rd  prize Number 48 wins £17.50 
  • If you are one of the lucky winners, your cheque will be in the post and the cheque can be deposited into your bank account via the Post Office. 

Children’s Activities in the Library – Session Times. 

Craft Sessions – Term Time:

  • Monday – Thursday: 3pm – 4.30pm: Saturday – 12-1pm 

NB Craft Sessions – Over the Easter Holidays: 

Monday – Thursday: 2pm – 4.30pm: Saturday – 12-1pm 

Easter Egg Decorating Competition: 

  • Come along to any Children’s craft session from March 21 to take part. There are prizes for three age groups: 
  • Under 5 
  • 5 – 7 
  • 8+ 


  • Storytime: Wednesday and Thursday – Storytime at 2pm 

Lego Club: 

  • Friday: Lego Club 3pm – 4.30pm

A New Children’s Activity. 

  • Starting on Saturday April 2nd , there will be a Saturday morning Children’s Book Club.  
  • This will run from 10am on the first Saturday of each month.  
  • Children must be accompanied by an adult.  
  • Recommended reading age for the children is  8+. 

Supporting Porch Boxes. 

  • We are continuing to support Porch Boxes. Please place any donations in the donation box in the porch. On Saturday, 9th April, from 10.00am – 11.00am, we will be hosting their Easter collection in our car park.