Hi Folks,
Just a reminder this Friday 10am Old Kays Car Park on Hollymount Lane.
To continue our tidying up of fallen or almost falling trees and other material.

Hi Folks,
Just a reminder this Friday 10am Old Kays Car Park on Hollymount Lane.
To continue our tidying up of fallen or almost falling trees and other material.
The Annual Event is back on Saturday 5th November 2022.
We can’t wait to see you again!
To help keep our volunteers and young people safe we won’t be door to door ticket selling so please buy the tickets via our website.
2022-Bonfire-Poster-frontDear All
The postponed meeting to discuss the proposed 5G mast has now been rearranged for 5pm, Sunday 25th September at Greenmount Old School.
Note that the objection date has now passed, and it is thought that this proposal will not go to a council planning committee. The decision date is 17th October.
I have attached an article from today’s Manchester Evening News which covers the problems residents in Rochdale have faced regarding the siting of one of these masts in a residential area. In this case Rochdale Council were overruled by the Government’s Planning Inspectorate, this has happened in many other areas around the country.
Julie Southworth
Dear All
Please see the attached flyer advertising the Emmanuel Church Centre Car Boot Sale Car Boot Sale on 8th October.
If you would like to book a pitch, please contact Jo Venn on 07921517063
Best Wishes
Julie Southworth
Dear All
Please see attached information from Tracey Coatman regarding the Peachment VC Event taking place in Tottington this Sunday, 25th September.
Kind Regards
John Southworth
Dear All
On Sunday 18th September at 8pm a one-minute silence will be observed on Greenmount Village Green for the Queen.
All are welcome to gather near the flagpole when the nation is invited to remember the Queen.
Bring a light, or torch or candle if you wish.
Please see the attached poster which is to be displayed in the village.
Kind Regards
Julie Southworth
Hi Folks,
Many thanks to the few who turned out on Friday to help with the TWIGS area in Tottington. We made a vast difference to the area by opening up it up for more light to reach their growing area. The very tidy brash fences as ever are fantastic!
Paul and I have planned the next two Woodland Management sessions which are:
Enjoy the last days of the summer period,
All the best,
Dear All
Please see the attached firing schedule from the Holcombe Moor Training Centre. Note that there will be live firing this weekend on Saturday and Sunday, the 10th and 11th of September. During this time the red flags will be flying and during these times all public access, including public right of ways, on the training site is forbidden.
Best regards and stay safe
John Southworth
HMTC-Firing-Notice-10-Sep-to-16-Sept-2022Hi Folks,
The next Greenmount Woodland Management day is on Friday 9th September meeting at 10am. We are going to be working in the TWIGS area close to Tottington Station on the Lines.
Meet at the bridge on Kirklees Street at 10am, hopefully the gate will be open by the side of the road so parking can be off road.
I look forward to seeing you there.
Have a lovely weekend,
Alistair Waddell