
Reminder Next Woodland Management

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder this Friday is Woodland Management, WEATHER PERMITTING!

Many thanks for your patience in our organising the next Woodland Management. This summer has just been against us weather wise, either too wet or too windy on the days we have chosen to go out.

Our next planned event is:

  • Date :Friday 1st September
  • Time: 10am
  • Meeting point: Island Lodge Car Park (Map attached)

Paul wants us to tidy up around this area.

See you then,




Tottington & District Horticultural Society – Horticultural Show

Saturday September 9th – 2:15pm
Greenmount Old School

Staging of exhibits from 8.30 till 12 noon followed by judging 

Presentation of medals trophies etc by Yvonne Wright at approximately 4.15 pm followed by raffle & sale of some exhibits 
Cafe, tombola, display by DcaFF, raffle.

Please support us by exhibiting in various classes or visiting the Show. 
Some schedules on Old School



Holcombe Moor Firing this weekend

Dear All

Please note that there is planned firing on Holcombe Moor this weekend, Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th August.

Please help our armed forces and stay safe by keeping off MOD land this weekend.

Holcombe Moor firing times 12 to 18 August – GOV.UK (

John Southworth


Greenmount Walking Group – Aug & Sep 2023

Dear All,

Please see attached the latest walks provided by Greenmount Village Community Walking Group. These will cover August and September walks 2023.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth


Tour of Britain – Volunteers needed

Dear All,

A date for your diary. The Tour of Britain cycling event is once again passing through our area on 3rd September.  The competitors will go through Ramsbottom, up the Rake, down Lumb Carr Road to the Hare and Hounds and on through Hawkshaw.

Please see the attached details of the event and request for volunteers.

Please Email [email protected] to get involved.


Greenmount Primary School Uniform Shop

Dear All,

Please find attached the Summer opening hours for the Greenmount PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop.

Covering Greenmount Primary and Woodhey uniforms plus other generic school accessories, bags, coats etc.

Open to all for sales and collections.

Please support this inspirational local initiative.

Best regards

John Southworth


Old School Closure / Cuppa and Chat / Donations / Table Top Sale

Dear All,

Just to inform you that work has now started at Greenmount Old School Community Centre to replace the floor of the main hall.

As a result, the car park is out of action for two weeks. However, if you wish to drop off any jumble this can be placed in the usual boxes which have been positioned at the side door in the yard area. Access is by foot only, through the gate at the front of the building. However, if possible, it would be appreciated if you can leave dropping things off until after the 29th July due to temporary limits on storage space.

Most activities have been suspended, but Cuppa and Chat will still take place on Thursday afternoon from 2pm till 4pm at Greenmount Church. For the next two weeks.

There will not be a tabletop sale in August. The next sale will take place on Saturday 2nd September.

With kind regards,

Julie Southworth


Car Boot sale


Jumble Sale / Orchard Volunteer Day change

Dear All

Please find attached a poster advertising the Grand Jumble Sale to be held on Saturday from 9pm until noon at Greenmount Old School.

Also, to anyone considering joining the Orchard Volunteer session which normally runs on the first Sunday of the month….


Due to anticipated road closures around the orchard on the 2nd July, (the Bolton Iron Man will be in full swing), we have decided to move the session to the following Sunday: Sunday 9th July, 1.30-4pm.

Julie Southworth


Folk Evening / Peel Tower Open Day / Grand Jumble Sale

Dear All

Please see attached information regarding upcoming events:

Saturday 24th June, 7:30pm until 10pm – Greenmount Strummers are hosting a Folk Night at Greenmount Old School, bring your own drinks and nibbles. Please let David Archer [email protected] know if you are coming along, see attached poster for full details.

Sunday 25th June, 10am – 4pm – Open Day at Peel Tower in aid of MNDA and the Multiple Sclerosis Trust, small charge/donations, cash only please, see attached poster for details.

Saturday 1st July, 9am until 12 – Grand Jumble Sale at Greenmount Old School (BL8 4DS).  Note that this replaces the normal Table Top Sale as the collected jumble needs to be cleared prior to work commencing on the hall floor. Helpers are required for set up on Friday 30th June, at the sale on 1st July and to clear away afterwards on the 1st and 4th July.  Please contact either Joan [email protected] or Christine [email protected] if you can help.

Best wishes

John Southworth