
Greenmount Community Garden

Dear All,

Please see attached the new sign for Greenmount Village Community Garden, next to the church.

This completes the funding from Forever Manchester for new raised beds, decorative stone, and a bench to upgrade this much appreciated area.

These jobs would not happen without our volunteers, thank you to everyone involved.

You will notice the QR code on the sign which will take you to our website to keep you informed of volunteer sessions for this outdoor space and learn of its history and development. From April, new volunteers are welcome to help maintain this area and meet other people on Thursday afternoons from 2pm till 4pm, or alternatively, at a time which suits you after prior arrangement. All help is appreciated to keep a pleasant and tidy environment in Greenmount.

Best Wishes,

Julie Southworth


Cuppa and Chat update

Dear All,

As you will be aware, Cuppa and Chat runs every Thursday afternoon at Greenmount Old School and was set up to provide a space for residents to meet and avoid feeling isolated in their homes. Since being set up in March 2021, we have welcomed many residents from Greenmount, Summerseat, Holcombe Brook, Brandlesholme, Tottington and Helmshore. There are between 20 to 30 people each week and often more for special events.

Due to an advert in the last addition of our newsletter ‘Greenmount Voice’ in November, a few extra people joined because of the programme we had on offer. As this newsletter is only 3 or 4 times a year, I think it is a good idea to let you know the programme for the next couple of months. We will be meeting from 1.30 till 3.30pm in February, but back to our usual time of 2pm till 4pm from March onwards.

Cuppa and Chat 
1st FebTalk by GM Police on Scamming. A subject which I am sure has affected many people and would be useful to us all. Please come along if you can.
8th FebBingo
15th FebPerformance by the Square Street Singers. Enjoy this local choir who are happy to entertain you.
22nd FebCarers Hub – information on services available in Bury
29th FebBingo
7th MarchQuiz
14th MarchTalk on Bees by Lee Fairhurst, our local Beekeeper
21st MarchVictorian Manchester talk by Suzanne Hindle
28th MarchQuiz

I hope you can join us.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth





Live Firing notices for Holcombe Moor





Dear All,

We have finally installed the last two benches on The Lines which were funded by the Co-op community project.

All of you who selected us as your charity, it really works! This project has taken some time due to manpower, the weather and Covid of course. But I am sure that these benches will be used as often as those at the Greenmount end.

Many thanks to Tim Martin from Martins Countryside Contracting Ltd for the installation of these last two benches.

Our next seating project is replacing the picnic benches on the playground.

Kind regards,

Julie Southworth


TDHS Talk – “Victorian Manchester” – 10th January

Dear All,

As we start a new year the Tottington and District Horticultural Society are hosting several talks. The first one is on Wednesday 10th January 2024 called “Victorian Manchester “ given by one of the guides who leads Manchester walks. Should be very interesting 8 pm in Old School.

Julie Southworth


News for Greenmount

Dear All,

Please be aware that the first Tabletop Sale and Drop-In of the year is this Saturday 6th January from 9am to 12pm

at Greenmount Old School, Brandlesholme Road, BL8 4DS.

Also attached is the latest list of activities which take place each week at The Old School. Please note that there are 3 new groups which have started in the past month.

Lots to choose from! 😊

Best wishes,

Julie Southworth


Christmas Joy! with special guests

The Brixi Singers
Conductor – Richard Lea
Christmas Joy! with special guests
Bury Acapeelers Community Choir
Conductor – Eleanor Hill
Greenmount United Reform Church
Greenmount BL8 4HF

Price £10 Under 16s free
(Tickets on the door or contact 07862736766)
December 20th



Woodland Management – Leaf Clearing @ Greenmount Sidings

Hi All,

This year has been full of cancellations due to the weather, but one job which is always on the calendar regardless of the weather is sweeping the leaves off The Lines in Greenmount Sidings.

Meet at 10am on Friday 1st December at Station Road Entrance to Greenmount Sidings. If we get the job done in time there will be the opportunity for a coffee and a chat.

Directions are attached.

I hope to be there to see you at coffee time.

All the best,



Rock and Roll Bingo Night

Come and sing your heart out to all the fantastic tunes played by our local legendary “Rock and Roll Bingo” host Dennis Shackleton. He always puts on a great night. Last year was a sell out.
Reserve your ticket now up at Greenmount Golf club. Tickets are £15 which includes a tasty supper and lots of great music and fun.
Doors open at 7pm

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