
Tottington & District Horticultural Society Talks Cancelled

A quick note to mention that the TDHS talks on October14th “Gardening for Wildlife”  and  November 11 th “Weaving textiles on a hand  loom”  have been cancelled. 


Greater Manchester Virtual Walking Festival

Greenmount Village Walking Group, part of the Village Community Group are helping to promote this, but for the Coronavirus we would be doing guided walks for it, instead we are putting suggested walks on our website.  One of these is a Three Cafe walk through Kirklees Valley and Burrs Country Park.

Many Thanks


on behalf of Greenmount Village Walking Group


Porch Boxes

CORONAVIRUS UPDATE – September 2020/Rev 5

Porch Boxes are still continuing to work hard to provide Crisis Packs during this difficult time, working with their regular local agencies, Social Services, Health Visitors, GP’s etc. to identify the areas of need.

A good majority of the regular, often weekly, donations are normally received from either churches or schools or from the donation boxes in various Supermarkets around the borough. Of course, many churches are still closed however some are now thankfully re-opening, and schools are now opening.

This being the case we may now find a gradual increase in donated products via churches and schools.

We are therefore suggesting that, until all churches are open residents in the borough, if their local church is still closed, continue to deliver their gifts into the donation box at their nearest named Supermarket (or Garden Bins in Tottington, Woolfold, Greenmount & Holcombe Brook)

Details of Supermarkets who currently have a donation box and the Garden Bins are shown below:   


(Supermarkets & Garden Bins)


Radcliffe, Pilsworth & Bury


Whitefield & Ramsbottom


33 Holthouse Rd



14 Thirsk Close



31 Greenheys Cr



39 Carwood Hey


Also, we are having a harvest event at Tottington Centre (library) tomorrow morning

I have been asked a few times if we would like supermarket bag donations. We are very grateful for the bags for life that Tesco & other supermarkets were delivering groceries in but anything lighter than that is too flimsy I  am afraid. Please can you also give a big Thankyou to all the people who continue to donate locally. Their generosity is truly amazing. 




Local Events Information

Here is a quick update on some local events

Drop In Session – Old School

Just a quick note to let you know that the monthly drop-in session at Greenmount Old School has been cancelled until further notice due to the new COVID restrictions.  Last month’s outdoor event was a success but unfortunately future events are now on hold.

Bury Lions Sponsored Walk

There is a sponsored Walk 4 Sight, to be held on October 10th, organised by Bury Lions.  If you are interested I have attached further information and registration forms.

Best regards

Julie Southworth


COVID Information Updates

Good morning everyone

Please find attached updates from Bury MBC regarding the latest information on local restrictions, the COVID-19 app and how to create a QR code for your venue.

I hope that you find this information useful

Kind regards

Julie Southworth


Greenmount Cricket Club – New COVID measures

Please see below some important information from Rob Kilvington, chairman of Greenmount Cricket Club regarding the impact of new COVID restrictions at the Log Cabin.

Stay safe everyone

Julie Southworth


The Government’s announcements on further lockdown measures earlier in the week mean that things will change once again at the Log Cabin with effect from Thursday 24th September.

This note attempts to detail the main changes and asks you to support us in establishing them to ensure that we continue to provide as safe an environment as we can for all our members, staff and visitors. There are some significant financial penalties for both individuals and the club if these new rules and regulations aren’t followed, so from both a health & safety and financial perspective your support in this is essential. Non-compliance could lead to the club being shut down and our licence removed which would lead to the permanent closure of the club so your support in this really is essential.

The main changes in relation to the bar protocols are as follows :-

  1. All customers entering, walking around and leaving the club will need to wear a mask – in essence if you are stood up you will need to have a mask on.
  2. The club will become table service only – once you are sat down at a table you can remove your mask.
  3. Our staff will come to your table and take your order and will bring it back to you and take payment, by card only, from you at your table. You can only drink at a table.
  4. If you need to go to the toilet or go outside for a smoke, you will again need to wear a mask.
  5. The club needs to be closed by 10pm. Last orders will therefore be at 9.15 and all customers and staff will need to have left by 10pm.

Changes are also being introduced in relation to Test and Trace procedures, the main changes being :-

  1. From 24th Sept we have to have our own NHS Covid-19 QR code that visitors should be able to log onto using the NHS Covid-19 App. There will be a manual process for those with no access to a smartphone. This will become in due course our main test and trace mechanism, but whilst we have the QR code set up and available, the updated NHS Covid-19 App still isn’t available on the App Store / Google Play. We are awaiting confirmation from Government / NHS when this will be rolled out. I will let all members know once we get this confirmation and we will only move over to this fully once we know it is working.
  2. In the meantime we will continue to capture test and trace data via our visitors book for non-members and our tick-list for members. Our staff will update our test and trace records when they first meet you and take your order.  

The issue of tables and the use of outside facilities is less certain. We have made the most over the last 12 weeks of the plentiful supply of benches around the outfield, with customers buying their drinks at the bar and going outside and sitting down on the many benches. I’m currently seeking guidance as to the status of the benches and whether they can be treated “as a table”, however until this is received I will err on the side of caution and say that we can only serve people who are seated at the various tables that are outside the clubhouse. The penalties for infringement are so severe that we simply cannot afford to inadvertently do the wrong thing. As soon as I do receive guidance on this particular technicality I will naturally let you know.

I hope this is okay and I am sorry to be so picky about the wearing of masks when standing up etc, but we have to abide by these rules in the knowledge that they do help create as safe an environment as we possibly can. It is a completely new way of life to us all, but it looks like these new rules will be with us perhaps for the next 6 months so we do need to get used to them. We do know that some of our customers are exempt from wearing a mask, if you are one of these customers please bring your exemption card with you each time you visit as our staff have been asked to ask all customers to wear masks when standing.

Thanks again for your continued support through these extremely challenging times, it is very much appreciated. I hope you all agree that our primary focus simply has to be to ensure that we all make the Log Cabin as safe an environment as we possibly can for all our members, staff and visitors.

Rob Kilvington

GCC Chairman 


Greenmount Village Green and Playground Survey

Hello everyone,

As you know, Greenmount Village Community have worked hard over the last few years to secure the funding needed to redevelop both the play area and village green.

During the project we have had to overcome many obstacles including storms, an unusually wet winter and, of course, the coronavirus pandemic that we all find ourselves facing at the moment. We would like to thank all of our residents for their patience and understanding over the last few months.

Although 2020 hasn’t been as straightforward as we would have liked, we do hope that – now the project has been completed – our residents and visitors are happy with the new facilities.

It would be a great help to us if you could take some time to complete the very short questionnaire below. It gives you the opportunity to share your thoughts and feedback about the play area and village green improvements with both us and also the partners / funders who have supported us. The survey is very short and should only take a few minutes to complete, but it would be really wonderful if we could get some comments from local people and residents to share with the teams involved.

Once again, we thank you for your patience over the last couple of years while the work has been planned, funded and undertaken – we do hope you and your families enjoy the space as much as we do.

Best wishes,

Julie Southworth


Next Woodland Management

Hi Folks,

The next Woodland Management will be on Friday 25th September meeting at 10am. Meet at Kingsbury Wood.

We made excellent progress through Kingsbury Wood last time, but only did half the job. This time we will be working from the steps entrance towards the centre of the wood clearing the verges, gullies and coppicing the willow that has grown over the last year or two. We have Covid-19 guidelines in place.

A couple of our members have asked if we can meet on a fortnightly basis as there is a lot of work that needs to be done. If you are interested in this idea please let Paul and I know. We will need to decide how this can be best accomplished.

I look forward to seeing you next Friday at Kingsbury Wood.

All the best,



Tottington & District Horticultural Society show

Due to be held on Saturday September 12th at Greenmount Old School has been cancelled.


Activities this weekend in Greenmount

Woodland Management

We are planning to make a restart of Woodland Management on Friday 4th September at 10am and Kingsbury Wood (access from the bottom of Garside Hey Road)

With respect to Covid-19 it will greatly help if you can bring your own tools e.g. bowsaw and loppers. If you do not have these, do not despair as we will be bringing along the group’s own tools and a lot of hand sanitiser! Please can you be there on time as the first part of the session will be a training session on keeping safe from Covid-19 whilst working in the woods. It is important that you are there at the start to hear what has to be said.

If you have any of the symptoms of Covid-19 then please stay at home. We should be working far enough apart from each other not to require face coverings, but it is advisable to bring one along for your own protection.

Lines – 24 Hour Enduro

The Totty Lines Running Group (TLRG) was established on 6th September 2016 as an informal group  who like to run, jog or walk around Tottington and further afield.  The group has decided to organise a 24 hour endurance event for 5th September 2020 that involves running, jogging, walking (and probably crawling) lengths of the 2.14 miles of the Lines for 24 hours until 0700 Sunday 6th September 2020.

The group is raising funds to install a defibrillator machine to be situated close to the Lines in Tottington. 

All donations no matter how big or small will  be gratefully received and used to support Emergency Life Saving Equipment.  Here is the sponsorship link, all donations would be greatly appreciated as would verbal or other encouragement at the actual event.

Hollymount Orchard Volunteer Session

Tentatively, cautiously, safely…. this Sunday (with risk assessment in hand) we are going to trial a more open volunteering session in the Orchard. Almost like the good ol’ days, if you want to join us and volunteer this Sunday – read on!

Up till now, thanks to the continued support of our regular volunteers we’ve been working in small groups or family bubbles and have managed to keep the orchard looking lovely. But we need a bigger (but socially distanced) effort this Sunday to clear all the long grasses ahead of the harvest. If you want to join us, you’ll need to comply with our ‘Covid guidance for volunteers’ (this includes social distancing measures, contact sharing and hand hygiene requests), but the biggest difference you’ll notice is YOU WILL NEED TO SIGN UP in advance of the session.

– The session will run longer than normal: 11am-4pm and you can attend part or all of the session.

– To register interest or sign up and receive our Covid guidance, please email Ian at [email protected] by Saturday 1pm. NB: Volunteering spaces will be limited.

– The work this Sunday is suitable to all and will focus on cutting and removing the long grasses. Other tasks will be available if this isn’t your particular bag…

We are hugely looking forward to bringing Sunday volunteering back to the Orchard!

Don’t forget – volunteer sessions in the orchard are open to all abilities and no prior experience is required. Get in touch for more information and don’t hesitate to share our work with anyone who might be interested. The Orchard is a project of Incredible Edible Ramsbottom and we’re a small friendly bunch – dedicated to restoring and conserving this unique heritage landscape.

Julie Southworth