
News from the Tottington Centre April 2021

Dear All

Please find attached a message from the Tottington Centre which contains the latest newsletter.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth

Hello Everyone,

I hope that you will be able to open up and read the attached newsletter. It contains details about our new opening times.

If you can’t read this, please let us know and we will find another way of getting this newsletter to you.

Best wishes, from Friends of Tottington Library (FOTL)

Contact us at:

Email:                  [email protected]         



Phone:                 07902 671040

Address:              The Tottington Centre, Market Street, Tottington, Bury BL8 3LL

Thank you for your donations to help support the Centre and Library:

Just Giving:



New Jigsaws

Dear All,

Please find attached the latest addition of the Jigsaws available to buy
from the collection at Greenmount Old School.

During this lockdown period, the Jigsaw Library is becoming quite popular
as residents can enjoy a cosy afternoon in the warmth of their own homes.
Should you wish to purchase a puzzle for just £2 please contact Anke by
email or phone and she is happy to deliver your requested puzzle. Should you
want more afterwards, it will only cost £1 and Anke will collect your old
one and deliver a new one, if you wish to return it.

Please contact:

Anke Harris [email protected]
Mobile:  07825 016950

Best Wishes,

Julie Southworth


Nesting Swans

Good morning

You may already be aware that a pair of swans have decided to build a nest at the junctions of a few minor paths , near Island and Cartwheel lodges (see pic)

The council are going to put up some notices to try and forewarn the public and ask them to keep dogs on a lead at all times and find and alternative route

There isn’t much we can do to safeguard the swans, and I can appreciate that this is an inconvenience to many people but we need to consider the birds and not fall foul of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 by deliberately disturbing them during the nesting season.

Thank you for your consideration

Julie Southworth


‘Cuppa and a Chat’

Dear All,

I am writing to inform you that we are opening Greenmount Church and Greenmount Old School for ‘Cuppa and a Chat’ sessions in order to welcome those in our community who have been feeling lonely and isolated and a little anxious about stepping out into the community after such a long time in lockdown. This is being done through Bury Council’s Isolation and Loneliness initiative, everything will be done under strict Covid risk assessment rules.

These sessions will be run by volunteers in Greenmount who wish to help this transition run smoothly and allow residents to meet face to face in a socially distant capacity. Following government guidelines, we would ask that you wear a mask until seated and use the hand sanitiser provided. Our volunteers will help to provide a safe environment for you to have a brew and a chat with each other.  I feel this will help tremendously in creating a gentle transition to us all meeting up again in the future.

We intend to begin these sessions on Monday 29th March with times as follow:

Monday and Wednesday 10.30 till 12 noon in Greenmount Church.

Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 2pm – 4pm in Greenmount Old School.

I must stress that this ‘drop in’ is intended for those residents who have been isolated and lonely and I am afraid they are not for family groups at this time.

The poster attached will be displayed at various points in the local area and there will be a leaflet posted through every household door shortly.  In the meantime, if you are aware of any individual who would benefit from this, please let them know.

With best wishes,

Julie Southworth


Bury North Community Hub Update

Good Afternoon all,

Please find attached the latest update from Pritesh Patel of Bury MBC including information on vaccination numbers (now over 76,000), case rates, testing, support available and a few other reminders and updates.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Jigsaws & wool request

Please find attached the puzzles in our GVC jigsaw library, this is proving to be a very popular scheme. Should you wish to purchase a puzzle for just £2 please contact Anke by email or phone and she is happy to deliver your requested puzzle. Should you want more afterwards, it will only cost £1 and Anke will collect your old one and deliver a new one, if you wish to return it.

Please contact:

Anke Harris 

[email protected]

Mobile:  07825 016950

Spare Wool

We have a request for any spare balls of wool. A local lady is knitting squares for a charity and she is running out of wool. Wool could be left in the Old School porch on a Saturday morning.


Foodbank boxes/containers

Dear All

Thank you so much for the excellent support that you are providing to the Brandlesholme Community Foodbank. They are currently OK for egg boxes as their supplier is currently sending them boxed eggs, however good quality, strong shopping bags are always welcome.  A new requirement is for plastic or aluminium storage boxes, takeaway food containers, butter containers etc.  This is because the excess donations of fresh fruit and vegetables are now being cooked and frozen for distribution.  A freezable container that will hold 1 or 2 portions would be ideal. 

A reminder that donations can be taken straight to the Brandlesholme Community Centre on weekday mornings or left at the offices of Nazia Haque  (Old Post Office).  If either of these two places are not accessible for you please reply to this email and we can collect them from you.

Thank you again for your continued support.

Julie Southworth


Tottington & District Horticultural Society – Spring Show Update

We had intended to have our Spring Show on  Saturday April 17th at Greenmount Old School but have had to cancel it.

However we hope to be able to have our Plant Sale on Saturday June 5th outside in the yard of Greenmount Old School where we will be able to spread out.

Best wishes Dorothy.

Email [email protected]


Island Lodge Tree Work / Porch Boxes / May Election Arrangements

Good morning everyone

Tree Work

I wish to inform everyone that on Thursday and Friday this week Electricity North West contractors will be carrying out some tree work in the woodland near to the viaduct and Island Lodge/ Tower Farm. They are cutting back and clearing trees under the power lines towards Tower Farm Apartments. Safety measures will be in place but please assist them by staying clear of the area where the contractors are working.

Porch Boxes

Last week I informed you that Porch Boxes had a food collection / donation point in the front garden of 31 Greenheys  Crescent, this information is correct but please note the collection point is a clearly labelled white storage box and not a wheelie bin as I incorrectly stated.

Local Council / GM Mayoral Elections – COVID Arrangements

Please below find information related to arrangements being put in place to allow for a COVID safe election day on 6th May when we will be voting in the Bury MBC Local and Greater Manchester Mayoral elections.

Best wishes and keep safe

Julie Southworth


Bury North Community Hub Updates

Dear all

Please find attached the latest COVID update from Bury MBC

Best regards

Julie Southworth

Good Evening all,

I just wanted to share some of the latest updates with you all for the last week.

  • Bury’s latest update (18.02.2021) attached. This includes updates around vaccinations, current rates that seem to have stopped going down, testing, local support and the Community Champions programme which is due to be launched soon.
  • Some updated guidance on carrying out work in homes can be found here if required. This is directly related to those who are self isolating or shielding.  Relevant to landlords & tenants too.  Although not a widespread issue at all, this is just shared to provide any clarity if residents aren’t sure.
    • Updates include:

·         No work should be carried out in a household which is isolating because one or more family members has symptoms unless it is to remedy a direct risk to the safety of the household or the public.

·         For households in which one or more people are shielding, any non-emergency work should only be undertaken at the discretion of the individuals concerned and anyone entering a CEV household should take significant precautions to prevent infection.

  • Fuel Hardship – for any residents facing fuel hardship or worrying about paying their fuel bills, it is important to note the Clinically Extremely Venerable (CEVs) residents who have been asked to shield can contact their energy suppliers to be added to their Priority Services Register which means they could be eligible for additional support.  More Q&A information attached.
  • Date for your Diary (& please share) – Bury North Community Hub would love it if you could join us on zoom for an informal coffee and catch up. We will be talking about what funding is currently available for community groups and how we can support each other with funding applications and work together to support our communities in Bury North. You’ll also be able to meet Becky Smyllie, Bury VCFA, Funding and Development for Bury North who will be working with community groups in the area.   Come and join us on Friday 5th March 11:00am – 12.00pm.  Please come along and say hi and please share with lots of other groups & organisations who support our residents in Bury North (Ramsbottom, Tottington, North Manor & Elton).   Zoom link to follow

Many thanks, and hope you had a good weekend


Pritesh Patel         

Bury North Community Hub / Bury Live Well Service