
Tottington And District Horticultural Society’s Show – Cancelled

Dear All

Please be aware that the Tottington And District Horticultural Society’s Show which was to held on September 12th at Greenmount Old School is cancelled.

Please note that the majority of groups are back using the Old School following the disruption caused by Covid. It is very good to see so many people using the building and being able to meet together.

Best regards

Julie Southworth


URGENT REQUEST – Brandlesholme Community Centre Foodbank

Dear All

We have been contacted by the volunteers who run the foodbank at the Brandlesholme Road Community Centre.  Due to Foodshare’s funding being drastically cut back and the removal of their collection point in Tesco they are now very low on all essential foodstuffs. 

They are particularly in need of tinned foods, tuna, beans, tomatoes, meat, fruit and veg as well as long life milk.  They have freezers so can take both fresh and frozen items.

The centre is open and able to accept donations every weekday from 9:30am until 1pm, Thursday and Friday are particularly good days for dropping off items as that is when there is most demand.

Thank you



The Tottington Centre’s Big Book Sale

Dear All

Attached are details for the Tottington Centre’s Big Book Sale this Saturday.

Please support our friends in their fundraising activities and bag yourself a bargain read.

Best Wishes

Julie Southworth


Afternoon Tea / Cuppa and Chat

Dear All

I am pleased to report that the Afternoon Tea held last Thursday was very successful with sixty four local residents enjoying good food and wonderful entertainment by the Greenmount Strummers.  More important was the opportunity to have a catch up after such a long period of isolation.

Thank you to our volunteers, the Greenmount Strummers, Greenmount Old School, our caterers Wendy and Luisa and Bury MBC for funding the event through the Isolation and Loneliness fund.

Also a reminder that our regular Cuppa and Chat session takes place every Thursday 2pm – 4pm at the Old School.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Places for Everyone – Have Your Say

Dear All

Please find below an invitation to view and comment upon the recently approved ‘Places for Everyone’ plan which replaces the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF).

This plan redraws the borough’s greenbelt boundaries.  Some greenbelt will be lost in Bury but I am pleased to note that despite earlier threats under the original proposals, our greenbelt in Greenmount is protected under this plan until at least 2037.

Please read the attached document and links to the plans, responding if you wish via the links provided.

Kind regards

Julie Southworth

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are contacting you to inform you that comments are now being invited on an emerging plan for jobs, new homes and sustainable growth, known as Places for Everyone. Pursuant to Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012, comments on Places for Everyone are now being invited over an eight-week period from 9 August until 23:45 on 3 October 2021.

You may be aware that, until last year, Bury Council was involved in the preparation of a joint plan covering the ten boroughs of Greater Manchester. This plan was known as the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework, or GMSF for short. However, Stockport Council’s withdrawal from the plan in December 2020 meant it could not go ahead in the same form and the plan will continue as a joint development plan of the nine other Districts in Greater Manchester, now known as ‘Places for Everyone’.

As with the GMSF, Places for Everyone will identify the amount of new housing, office, industrial and warehousing development needed up to 2037 and the key sites where this will take place. It will also identify the infrastructure needed to support new development, such as transport, schools and healthcare; identify the important environmental assets which will be protected and enhanced; and define a new green belt boundary for the nine boroughs.

How can you find out more about Places for Everyone?

The Places for Everyone plan and further supporting documents and background evidence is available on the Greater Manchester Combined Authority web site at

Further information on Places for Everyone is also available on the Council’s web site at This includes a series of Frequently Asked Questions which highlight the main implications of the plan for Bury.

Both Bury Council and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority will also be regularly posting information via their respective social media channels.

If you cannot access this information online, please call our Places for Everyone answerphone service on 0161 253 7800, where you can leave your name and telephone number and someone will return your call.

In addition, copies of Places for Everyone will be available for inspection at Bury Town Hall reception, Ramsbottom, Bury, Radcliffe and Prestwich libraries and at the Tottington Centre during their normal opening hours. You can also keep up-to-date on other ways in which we will be engaging with the local community and other stakeholders on Places for Everyone by visiting the Council’s Places for Everyone web site.

How can you have your say on Places for Everyone?

We are now at the ‘Publication Stage’ of the plan which is the version of the plan that the nine participating local authorities intend to submit Government.

At this stage, we are asking you whether you think the plan has been prepared in accordance with legal and procedural requirements and meets the four ‘tests of soundness’ (as set out in paragraph 35 of the National Planning Policy Framework).

All comments on the Publication version of the plan should be made to the Greater Manchester Combined Authority.

We would prefer comments to be submitted by completing the online response form at: Alternatively, you can download the response form available on the GMCA Website and emailing it to [email protected]

You can also submit your comments to us by:

  • email to: [email protected]; or
  • post to: The Planning and Housing Team, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Broadhurst House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU.

Comments and names will be published. Full details of how your information will be shared can be found in the Places for Everyone Privacy Notice.

Please refer to the representation guidance notes when preparing representations.

How to participate in the Examination

By using the response form you will be asked whether you wish to participate in the Examination and whether you wish to be notified of any of the following:

  • Submission of Places for Everyone for independent examination.
  • Publication of the Inspector’s Report on the Examination of Places for Everyone.
  • The Adoption of Places for Everyone.

Alternatively, if you make representations by email or by letter, you should state whether you wish to participate in the Examination and/or be kept informed of the progress of Places for Everyone.

What happens next?

Once the period for making representations ends, it is intended to submit the Publication version of Places for Everyone to the Government alongside all supporting evidence and comments made at this stage. Please note that it will only be comments that are made on this version of the plan that will be submitted to the Government. People that have responded to previous versions of the GMSF may want to make their comments again as a formal representation.

The Government will then appoint a Planning Inspector (or a number of Inspectors) to undertake an examination of plan. Once the plan has been submitted, the Inspector will take control of the examination process from start to finish. The Inspector’s role is to examine whether the submitted plan meets the tests of soundness defined in the NPPF and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.

Strategic Planning and Economic Development

Statement of Representation Procedure Notice

(Regulation 19: The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012)

August 2021

This statement relates to the Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan Publication Draft 2021 (PfE2021). A brief explanation of the background of this document and its relationship to other development plan documents being produced by the relevant nine Greater Manchester districts is provided below.


In 2014, the ten Greater Manchester local authorities agreed to prepare a joint Development Plan Document, the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF), with the GMCA co-ordinating its production on behalf of the ten districts. In December 2020, Stockport Council took the decision to withdraw from the GMSF. Subsequently, the nine remaining authorities (Bolton, Bury, Manchester, Oldham, Rochdale, Salford, Trafford, Tameside and Wigan), agreed to continue to progress a joint Development Plan Document for themselves, known as Places for Everyone, which will form part of their individual district local plans.

PfE2021 provides the strategic policy framework for the districts including the overall scale and distribution of development, the spatial strategy, strategic site allocations and Green Belt boundary amendments together with a number of strategic thematic policies which will be used to manage development and determine planning applications in the individual districts. PfE2021 is accompanied by a Policies Map which shows the allocations and designations in the Plan.

Documents available for inspection

PfE2021 and supporting/background evidence documents are published on the GMCA Website on behalf of the nine districts. Additionally, copies of PfE2021 documentation will be made available in accordance with the Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and the requirements of each district’s Statement of Community Involvement (SCI).

Copies of PfE 2021 are available for inspection at Bury Town Hall reception, Ramsbottom, Bury, Radcliffe and Prestwich libraries and at the Tottington Centre during their normal opening hours.

Period of Submission for Representations

Representations are invited on the PfE 2021, Publication Draft for a period of eight weeks from Monday 9th August until 23:45 3rd October 2021.

Representations at this stage should only relate to PfE2021 and its supporting/evidence base documents which have been published alongside it. Comments made previously, during stages of consultation in relation to the GMSF, have been summarised in the Statement of Consultation report, which will form part of the submission documentation. 

Whilst representations may be made on any point in respect of PfE2021 and its supporting/evidence base documents, only those pertaining to the four tests of soundness[1] will be taken into account by the Inspector at the Examination.

How to make representations

Representations can be made by

Preferably completing the online response form at:

Alternatively, downloading the response form available on the GMCA Website and emailing it to [email protected]

You can also submit your comments to us by:

  • email to: [email protected]
  • post to: The Planning and Housing Team, Greater Manchester Combined Authority, Broadhurst House, 56 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6EU

What Happens Next

Once the period for making representations finishes, it is intended to submit the PfE2021 Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government so that it can be assessed through an Examination in Public by an appointed Planning Inspector(s).

It will be the role of the Independent Planning Inspector(s) to examine whether the plan meets the tests of soundness in the National Planning Policy Framework and meets all the relevant legislative requirements.  All representations received before the deadline will be submitted electronically to the Secretary of State for consideration by the Planning Inspector(s) as part of the Examination in Public. Comments and names will be published. Full details of how your information will be shared can be found in the PfE2021 Privacy Notice.

Please refer to the representation guidance notes when preparing representations.

How to participate in the Examination

By using the response form you will be asked whether you wish to participate in the Examination and whether you wish to be notified of any of the following:

  • Submission of the PfE2021 for independent examination.
  • Publication of the Inspector’s Report on the Examination of the PfE2021.
  • The Adoption of the PfE2021.

Alternatively, if you make representations by email or by letter, you should state whether you wish to participate in the Examination and/or be kept informed of the progress of PfE2021.


Tottington & District Horticultural Society Show – Cancelled

We have decided to cancel our Show due to be held on Saturday September 11th in Greenmount Old School.

We are sorry about this & it was a difficult decision to make the but safety of everyone is most important.

Even though things are improving we could not be sure what the situation would be & could not leave it until the last minute to inform judges, exhibitors etc whether or not we were going ahead.

Thank you,



Updated clinic list for this week, and next week’s vaccination clinic schedule

Good Evening Everyone

Please find attached the latest times and availability for the Vaccination Clinics.

Best Wishes

Julie Southworth


Family Day 8th August

Dear All

Please note that the Family Fun Day scheduled for this Sunday, 8th August on Nuttall Park has been postponed for one week due to the poor weather forecast. It will now be held on Sunday 15th August.

Best Regards

Julie Southworth


Healthwatch Bury Park Bench Surgery – Thu, 22nd July

Dear All

Healthwatch in Bury have rescheduled their Greenmount Park Bench Surgery for 2pm – 4pm on August 5th, please see the attached document for details of the event.

About Healthwatch Bury:

Healthwatch is your health and social care champion. We make sure NHS leaders and other decision makers hear your voice and use your feedback to improve care. Last year, we supported over 200 residents in Bury to access health and social care services during the pandemic.

Our current research topic is digital access and isolation. You can view the online survey here. We will also have paper copies for people to fill in during our drop-in session. 

For those who can’t attend the drop-in session, telephone support is available Mon-Fri on 0161 253 6300. I will also be starting some virtual sessions later this month. 

Julie Southworth


Greenmount WI meetings

Greenmount WI will be resuming meetings from Thursday 19th August.

New members are welcome!

Further information can be found on their website: