
Pop up Art Gallery



The Tottington Centre Race Night Fundraiser

Dear All,

Please see below details of what should be a fun evening organised by our friends at the Tottington Centre.

Kind regards

Julie Southworth


Holcombe Moor plus Firing Notices

Dear All

Please see the attached firing schedule from the Holcombe Moor Training Centre.

Note that there will be live firing on the weekends of 15th & 16th April and 13th & 14th May.  Also, there will be planned firing on Tuesday 16th May and Wednesday 17th May.

On these days the red flags will be flying and during these times all public access, including public right of ways, on the training site, which includes Bull Hill, is forbidden.

Best regards and stay safe

Note: You can check for future firing dates using the following link.

John Southworth


Collector’s Fair / Trip to Q Mill / Greenmount WI Ladies Event

Dear All

Please find attached flyers covering the Collectors Fair currently running at Greenmount Old School and also the Walking Group’s Mill Trip and WI Social Event.


Julie Southworth




Village Party – Donations required

Dear All

Our annual village party is fast approaching, Monday 1st May is the date for your diaries.

As usual we will be running our tombola stall and we are asking if folks would be kind enough to donate prizes.

Our collection point is Wainwright’s Estate Agents at 331 Holcombe Road, Greenmount, BL8 4BB where your donations can be left between Tuesday 11th April and Thursday 27th April during normal opening hours which are 9am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

We are looking for sweets, soft drinks, bottles of wine or spirits and nearly new toys (preferably not too large), smellies, ornaments etc.

Also unwanted teddies and dolls in good condition.

Thank you for your support

John Southworth


Community Tree planting day 16th April

Dear All,

Please see the attached poster and message below from Iain MacKennon from Philips Park. A great opportunity to take part in a community event.

Kind Regards,

Julie Southworth


On Sunday 16th April, Philips Park is hosting a community tree planting day. The plan is to restock an area of woodland (Parkers Path) with some native species, after being cleared of Rhododendron in the winter. There will be a closed event in the morning, and an open event in the afternoon  Tree planting at Philips Park, Bury Registration, Sun 16 Apr 2023 at 12:30 | Eventbrite

If you could share or even attend if you’d like to, please book on the Eventbrite page. I’ve also attached the poster for the open event.

I’ll be putting up Posters in the next couple of days in the Park, and hopefully we have a great turnout!

Many thanks,

Iain MacKennon


Jumble Sale and Collector’s Fair

Dear All,

Please see the message below. If you are able to help in any way, it would be very much appreciated. A very busy time for Greenmount Old School Community Centre, when they raise much needed funds by selling on unwanted items which can take on a new lease of life. What a good way to help save the planet!

Kind regards,


Hello Everyone,

Please note there is no Table Top Sale/Drop In this Saturday due to having a Jumble sale on Monday 3rd April.




FRI.  31st MARCH from 3.15pm to 5.30pm to put tables out & set up rooms off the corridor

SAT. 1st APRIL from 8.30am to put tables out and get Jumble out of storage

SAT. 1st APRIL  any time between 10am and 5pm to set out Jumble on tables

MON. 3rd APRIL If weather is fine help is needed at 12pm to get the Bric a Brac out into the yard and help to sell it.

MON. 3rd APRIL  2.45pm  help on stalls inside selling goods.  Help is needed in every room, so lots of volunteers needed.

MON. 3rd APRIL  5pm to clear away and help to load Father Wyatt’s van.

Help needed for Collectors Fairs:

MON. 3rd APRIL 6pm to get everything out of storage ready for others to unpack and set up for Collectors Fairs.

TUESDAY 4th to FRIDAY 7th unpacking boxes and setting up for Collectors Fairs 9am to 5pm.

SAT. 8th to SAT. 15th helping at the Sales from 9am.

Saturday 15th APRIL at 2pm helping to clear away.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Christine and Joan


Island Lodge Project Update

Dear All

We are delighted to announce that a major breakthrough has been made in the campaign to Save Island Lodge.

We can announce that after a series of consultations, reports and meetings that £500,000 has now been budgeted by the council over the next two years to contribute to the essential repairs.

A brief history, Christine Taylor and the Tottington Civic Society raised grave concerns over the future of the well-loved local landmark and beauty spot after several structural defects were discovered on the dam wall which has developed leaks. Coupled with a misconnected drain problem and lack of water throughflow this was having a detrimental effect both on the lodge itself and its wildlife.

A ‘Save Island Lodge’ group was formed consisting of several local groups, and a feasibility study completed by Stillwater Associates. Representatives from the Island Lodge group met with council officials in November 2022 and again in January 2023. As a result of these meetings the council have now agreed to develop a masterplan for the Kirklees Valley Local Nature Reserve, including Island Lodge. The masterplan will be created by Proffitts and funded using Section 106 money which has been allocated to the Kirklees Valley. The £500k will be used to contribute to the repairs on Island Lodge over the next 1-2 years.

More detail on the progress of this project and the associated consultation for the whole valley will follow.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Greenmount PTA Event

Good afternoon

Attached is a copy of a flyer advertising the first open day for Greenmount Primary School PTA Second Hand Uniform Shop which takes place on Saturday 25th March from 10am-2pm.

There are more than Greenmount School uniforms on offer for bargain prices, see flyer for details.

The contact email address is [email protected] 

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Woodland Management

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that the next Woodland Management is on Friday 24th March at 10am. We are meeting at Old Kays Park to carry on the maintenance and clearing of some of the ash die-back trees and other areas that require tidying.

Meet in the car park on Holly Mount Lane.

If the weather is unpleasant, I will send out an email early on Friday morning (or before) cancelling the session.

Have a good week,
