Author: GVC
Warning – Bogus COVID-19 Helpers
We have received this warning today from the Police via Bury Council. Do not be duped by fake helpers who cold call on you asking if you need any support and wanting to take your cash to get your shopping.
Only deal with people you know or are from organisations you can trust.
If you need assistance call either:
Greenmount Helpers on 07958 173940
Bury Council’s Community Hub on 0161 253 5353
Updated Food Suppliers list
A revised version of the food suppliers list is available and is attached, as more businesses come forward this will again be revised. Note the new phone and online ordering service at Dunster’s Farm and two suppliers operating through Bury Market covering a variety of foods for home delivery beyond what you would expect from their trading names. Remember, if there is nobody available to collect your order then Greenmount Helpers can deliver it for you.
Also a new addition is Delicious Catering, a ‘hot meals to your door’ service, please see their listing
Bury Council Community Hub
Bury Council has set up community hubs to provide support in all our communities. They are working with organised voluntary groups and local volunteers to provide support and arrange delivery of food and medical supplies. The scheme is open to anyone living in the Borough of Bury without a support network who meets one or more of the following criteria:
- has received a letter advising them that they are in the most vulnerable group and should be shielded;
- is aged 70 or over and has underlying health conditions;
- is otherwise socially or economically vulnerable.
For further details please see the attached information leaflet or visit
Greenmount Helpers service update
The Greenmount Helpers service, adapted to support our community during the coronavirus crisis is now up and running. To summarise the activity over the last five days
- An information leaflet has been printed and distributed to almost 1500 homes in our area (attached)
- A phone line has been established, manned from 9am until 3pm, 7 days a week
- Several calls and texts have already been received covering various requests, requiring information and also offers of help
- We now have 20 volunteers based in our community
- A major concern is the lack of on-line food ordering slots, in response we have created a list of food suppliers in our area who can either deliver telephone orders or provide a collection service (attached)
The list of local food suppliers was created today and hand delivered to those people who were running low on food and did not know how they were going to cope. If you are aware of other companies who provide food delivery and pre-paid collection services then please ask them to email [email protected] so that they can contact us with their list of services and then be added to the list.
Thank you to all those who have assisted so far, we can get through this as a community.
Please stay safe during this crisis, stay indoors to protect yourself, others and our NHS
Additional documents can be obtained here:
A message from our outgoing Chairman
You have recently received an email from Julie Southworth ([email protected]) and you will have seen there is a change coming along at the position of Chair within the GVC. I made it clear 12 months ago that I wished to stand down from the role after a period of 10 years.
I am very grateful to Julie for taking on the position as it has become a huge role, having grown and grown over the years. The official handover date is 31 March 2020, however, the work of passing responsibility over to Julie has already started.
The plan was to convene a village meeting, formally handover the role from myself to Julie and also introduce her to the villagers. Sadly, the current virus outbreak has prevented us from doing this. There does not seem to be a time in the immediate future when such a meeting can take place.
When we started the GVC in April 2010 we were reeling from the shock of losing the Post Office in Greenmount and the distinct possibility of losing other shops as well. We have come a long way since then and certainly there is a greater sense of community life now, than there was at that time.
It has been quite an adventure starting from a blank sheet of paper to the organisation we have today. The growth was organic and as a result of desires within the village to make change. It then just needed time, effort and resource to make it happen.
As I have said I am stepping down as Chair, but not stepping away so I will be here, just not leading from the front.
In Julie Southworth we have an excellent person taking over, and unfortunately for her at a difficult time, but I know from experience over the last 10 years, she will have the support of a wonderful and resourceful community.
By pulling together and sharing all that we have we will come through this crisis and may I suggest the community will be the stronger for it.
Thank you once again for all your support and kindness to Joan, Russell and myself over the last 10 years. We have had some challenges and some memorable HIGHS and at the end it has been a most wonderful journey for all concerned, and long may it continue.
See you around,
P.S. I shall continue to monitor the [email protected] email address and answer those emails appropriate to myself, whilst forwarding those concerning the GVC to Julie at [email protected]
Corona Help
These are unprecedented times for most of us, it is now more important than ever to support not only vulnerable people but also those who are self-isolating in our community in order to protect others.
If you wish to help, in the first instance find out who close by you is in need of support, this is constantly changing as people find the need to self-isolate You may already be doing this with close friends and neighbours but you could spread this a bit wider by printing and posting this postcard to homes in your immediate locality. It is hoped that this will cover most of the needs within the Greenmount area.
If your household receives multiple completed cards this is a good thing, keep hold of them as your kindly neighbour or supporter may not be available if you need them due to their own self-isolation.
This card has been created by Becky Wass from Cornwall, you can read about the scheme here
Shortly we will be relaunching the GVC Helpers service, remodelled according to COVID-19 guidelines, details of this service will follow in the next few days. This is intended to act as a safety net to cover those who may not be able to access support from their regular sources when they need it.
Keep safe and healthy
Newsletter and updates
Please make sure to sign up for the newsletter and future updates to be kept in the loop.
You can find the form at the bottom of the front page here:
Holcombe Moor – Live firing
Greenmount Village Party – Cancelled
It is with regret that given the current circumstances we have cancelled the Village party.
If things pick up and we can find an alternative date later in the year, we may try to re-arrange.