
Moorland Magic – Video

With the help of Ken Dearden and the Holcombe Moor Heritage Group we have uploaded a copy of the HMHG’s video “Moorland Magic” to our YouTube channel.

Its a lovely watch and very interesting, we hope it lifts your spirits a little during these difficult times.


Greenmount Helpers – Thank You

Hello All

The requests for help to the Greenmount Helpers group have slowed down but it is pleasing to get some official recognition for our efforts over the last two months.

This thank you from the Queen’s representative in Greater Manchester is for everybody involved with the Greenmount Helpers scheme from the helpers themselves through to the leaflet distributors.

Well done again to everyone for rallying around at the moment of need, we have all done Greenmount proud once again.

Best regards

Julie Southworth


Food Bank Donations

Dear All

On Sunday 31st May three members of Greenmount Helpers will be assisting in the collection of food donations for local food banks.  This is an initiative from the local Impact group of young people from the parishes of St. Hilda’s Tottington and Guardian Angels.  If you can drop your donations off in a sealed plastic bag, following the instructions below they will be gratefully received. If you are unable to drop off any items at this time donations can be collected from your house, please reply to this email or call Greenmount Helpers on 07958 173940 – 7 days a week between 9am – 3pm if you need anything collecting.

Thank you and stay safe

SUNDAY 31st May from 11:00 am—1:00pm ONLY.

The Impact Group has organised a ‘drive-by’ facility at both our churches for people to drop off bags of food and toiletries.

The youngsters will set up a safe ‘drop off’ zone in the parish centre car park at Guardian Angels’ and in the small car park between the church and parish house at St Hilda’s. Please put all your items into a sealed plastic bag and just drop the bag off on the tables provided at the entrances to the car parks. The bags will then be sanitised and loaded directly into transport that will take all the items to the various charitable centres. Items that are required are the usual things we ask for when we do our Helping Hands Sunday e.g. Cereals, Tinned Soups and Stew, Pasta, Rice and Pasta Sauce, Tinned meat or fish, long life milk, toiletries etc. PLEASE NO CLOTHING.

If you can help, just a small bag of items will go a long way and, rest assured, we will be operating safe social distancing and good hygiene practise at all times.

Julie Southworth



Local Photo Essays

Hello to all

I have attached links to two photo essays by Christopher Thomond which have appeared in the Guardian newspaper which are of local interest.

One covers Holcombe Hill which was featured last Friday. The other features an oak tree, situated in Greenmount which was published in 2017.

Best wishes

Julie Southworth


Make use of our local countryside

As the message is to stay away from Lake District and other local beauty spots it is a good opportunity to explore the West Pennine Moors, 90 square miles of outstanding beautiful countryside full of historical and environment interest right on our doorstep. (part of Greenmount is in the West Pennine Moors)

Pick up a set of 5 leaflets from outside the Old School, giving maps and route of the West Pennine Way, devised by Greenmount Village Walking Group. Suitable for all casual or serious walkers doing short or long walks.

See for more details




TDHS Update – Plant Sale Cancelled

The TDHS Plant Sale arranged for Saturday June 6th has been cancelled.

This is usually held in the yard at Greenmount Old School & is always popular & well supported by local community.

We apologise but had to make the difficult decision many weeks ago & I am sure everyone will understand.

Thank you . I hope you are keeping well. Dorothy🌈


D-CaFF Update

Good morning all!

Hope this message finds you safe and well. Just to keep you updated as we approach the up-coming date of what would have been our 4th birthday celebrations. I have cancelled  all future guests which would  have been attending/performing in May, June, July , August and September 2020. With the hope that we can ask them to join us in 2021. When I hope we will be able to open the D-CaFF doors again.

We live in uncertain times and I hope and pray our members are safe and managing to cope.

Will be in touch again.

Take care

With love Joani x


Health Protection Guidelines, update 13th May

Please find attached useful information forwarded by Ken Dearden who is responsible for police liaison for the GVC committee.

Stay safe everyone


Food Suppliers / Scrubs / Masks

Dear All,

I hope that you all enjoyed the VE Day celebrations. It was lovely to see the streets decorated in bunting and having the sunshine to help lift our spirits. As we now approach the next phase of the crisis, for many in our community things will remain the same. I just wanted to remind you of some of the activities taking place to support everyone in this current climate.

Food Suppliers

The Food Suppliers list continues to be successful and some of the organisations have been grateful to our helpers who have assisted with the delivery of goods. To add to this list is Summerseat Garden Centre, which is now open but who will deliver food supplies and gardening products. Their number is:- 01204 883048. You can also make orders via their website:-


As you are aware some members of the community are making scrubs and scrub bags. I would like to inform you that £2000 has recently been spent on fabric, funded by donated money. Thank you for your support in this venture.

Face Masks

Again, a very successful story about the masks being made in our community. So far £1322 has been donated to the NHS Charities through the purchase of cloth face masks being made by local residents. Kath Anderson sends this message:-

“Home-made cloth face-masks are available at Holcombe Brook Post Office.

We are asking for a minimum donation of £2 per mask which is supporting NHS Charities Together through   

We have raised well over £1000 already and hopefully our community is benefitting through helping to reduce the spread of the virus (as well as through the revival of long-neglected sewing skills!).

If anyone is unable to get to the PO, volunteers are available to deliver them.”

If you require a mask please visit the Post Office on Longsight Road, or alternatively reply to this email. If you are making masks, either for your family and friends or the general public please could you let us know how many as Kath would like to keep a tally of how many have been made. Can I remind you that these do not protect you, but protect others, therefore the more people who wear them should help to restrict the spread of the virus. As demand increases more sewists are needed in addition to supplies of fabric and elastic. If you can help please let me know. Thank you again for your support.

Keep well everyone and remain safe.

With kind regards

Julie Southworth



VE Day

As you may be aware, Friday 8th May this year is a national holiday to commemorate VE Day , it was also to be the day of our annual village party.  The party cannot go ahead but that doesn’t mean VE Day cannot be marked,  including celebrating in your own home.  The government have put together a pack of information and ideas including food, decorations and music that should help the day go with a swing, even in isolation.

You will find the information here

Enjoy VE Day everyone and keep safe.