
Greenmount Golf Club – Food Take Away Service

Just a quick note to let you know about the take away food service which is available at Greenmount Golf Club.  We have attached a photograph of the menu and contact details which has been sent to by Joan Waddell.

Bon Appétit!


Carers Week 2020

This week, 8th – 14th June is Carers Week, if you are a carer you may find the attached information from Bury Carers Hub useful.  It also contains a list of on-line events which are being held this week


Early Warning of Bogus Calls

Dear All

Attached is another warning of bogus phone callers wishing to take advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This information has been distributed by Bury Council, please continue to be on your guard

Stay safe everyone



Important Message from Bury Trading Standards

Important Message from Bury Trading Standards

POLICE are warning about a new bogus scam call in which people could find themselves racking up huge phone bills.

Officers say they have received reports of scam callers, ringing from 0300 200 5368 claiming to be from the HMRC.

The recorded message states the person owes money to the tax office and directs them to press 1 on the keypad otherwise an arrest warrant will be issued.

The police said that pressing 1 takes the person through to a premium rate number, which charges “large amounts”.

GMP Bury North warned about the scam stating:

“HMRC does not contact person by phone only by letter, please make any vulnerable or elderly persons, family and neighbours aware.”


Test/Trace Scam Warning

Ken Dearden who advises on security issues wishes you all to be aware that there are several scams being reported surrounding the recently launched Test and Trace system.  Please see the attached link and be aware of any suspicious activity.  Remember, a genuine caller from the NHS will NOT ask you for PIN numbers, bank or credit card details, social media accounts, passwords or ask you to download anything.

Stay safe everyone


Whitehead Gardens restoration project

A reminder regarding the proposed project to restore Whitehead Gardens in Tottington

Some time ago (pre coronavirus!) a consultation was launched on Bury Council’s One Community website.

The consultation was to allow people to comment on the future of Whitehead Gardens in Tottington, and to make suggestions for how they would like it to look.

This consultation is being hosted by Bury West and Tottington Rotary Club

Due to the onset of the pandemic it has not been possible to hold further consultation events, as planned, via the local Tottington Churches, schools, library etc

However the on line consultation is still open, and will remain so until the end of June

Please take time to read the proposals and add any comments or ideas of your own by the end of the month. After this time the steering group will consider all comments that have been made.

You can find the consultation by clicking  on the link below


**D-CaFF Wins Queens Award For Voluntary Service**

Great news, we are pleased to announce that D-CaFF, the place to meet for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends based at Greenmount Cricket Club has been awarded the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.  This is in recognition of the incredible work the volunteers do to support people in our community.

The volunteers are the driving force behind D-CaFF – a social gathering that takes place in Greenmount, Bury, twice a month to provide social time, activities and entertainment for around 100 members. The get-togethers are designed to enable people living with dementia to live well, by providing them and their carers with a safe, loving environment, a supportive network and an opportunity to have fun, laughter and friendship. Since setting up in 2016, D-CaFF has quickly grown to become a vital part of the dementia-friendly activity landscape in Greater Manchester. The award will be shared by the 35 volunteers from the local community who support D-CaFF. Each volunteer has attended a dementia awareness session linked and run by D-CaFF. Two volunteers trained by the Alzheimer’s Society became Dementia Friends Champions, enabling them to provide the best support possible and run Dementia Friends sessions for the whole community. Additionally, many of the volunteers bring personal experience of supporting someone with dementia. D-CaFF’s eldest volunteer is 93 years old.

The volunteers are led by Joani Beale from Greenmount, who brings both professional and personal experience of supporting people with dementia. On being told of the award Joani said: “We are absolutely delighted that D-CaFF has been recognised with The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.” “D-CaFF is such a wonderful resource for people living with dementia, their carers, family and friends, and is at the heart of our community in Greenmount, Bury. We have a fantastic team of volunteers, who all give a great deal, but also gain so much from being part of the D-CaFF Family. It’s incredible to see the positive difference we can make, and the way our members leave our get togethers feeling so uplifted. We are so proud that all the hard work and support given by the members, volunteers and friends of D-CaFF has been recognised with this prestigious award.’’

Spurred on by the success of D-CaFF, Joani and a smaller group of volunteers have also rolled out a successful outreach project that aims to support organisations and individuals in the wider community with everything from awareness raising, to Dementia Friends training and practical help. D-CaFF Outreach ensures that the good work going on in Greenmount can be shared more widely.

Representatives of D-CaFF will receive the award from the Lord Lieutenant of Greater Manchester later this summer. Furthermore, two volunteers from D-CaFF will attend a garden party at Buckingham Palace in May 2021, along with other recipients of this year’s Award. D-CaFF is one of 230 charities, social enterprises and voluntary groups to receive the prestigious award this year. The number of nominations has increased year on year since the awards were introduced in 2002, showing that the voluntary sector is thriving and full of innovative ideas to make life better for those around them. The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service aims to recognise outstanding work by volunteer groups to benefit their local communities. It was created in 2002 to celebrate the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. Recipients are announced each year on 2nd June, the anniversary of the Queen’s Coronation.

A Valentines Day Celebration with activities based on the theme of the day!
Climb aboard the Blackpool Belle, reminiscing about days at the seaside.
A group of members including guests and volunteers of the D-CaFF.
A regular member enjoying the afternoon at the D-CaFF… “Every picture tells a story”!

Congratulations and well done to all involved. What a way to recognise Volunteers week!

D-CaFF’s main webpage is located here


TfGM – Local Transport News and Future Travel Survey

Please see below a link  to the latest update from TfGM regarding local travel during the lockdown.

There is also a survey with a chance to win a £30 shopping voucher


Porch Boxes / Foodbank Collections

Dear All

Porch Boxes

Thank you to everyone for your amazing efforts so far in donating to Porch Boxes, the collection box will continue to be outside 31 Greenheys Crescent. We are really impressed with the level of donations so far, there have been between 120 – 180 items each week for which local people are very grateful. In the first weeks of lockdown Porch Boxes sent out 1900 crisis packs & are continuing to provide packs at this rate. 

St Hilda’s Food Bank Collection

A reminder regarding the collection taking place this Sunday, 31st May from 11:00 am—1:00pm ONLY.

The Impact Group of local young children has organised a ‘drive-by’ facility at both our churches for people to drop off bags of food and toiletries.

The youngsters will set up a safe ‘drop off’ zone in the parish centre car park at Guardian Angels’ and in the small car park between the church and parish house at St Hilda’s. Please put all your items into a sealed/knotted plastic bag and just drop the bag off on the tables provided at the entrances to the car parks. The bags will then be sanitised and loaded directly into transport that will take all the items to the various charitable centres. Items that are required are the usual things we ask for when we do our Helping Hands Sunday e.g. Cereals, Tinned Soups and Stew, Pasta, Rice and Pasta Sauce, Tinned meat or fish, long life milk, toiletries etc. PLEASE NO CLOTHING.

If you can help, just a small bag of items will go a long way and, rest assured, we will be operating safe social distancing and good hygiene practise at all times.  Greenmount Helpers can collect your items if you cannot get to St Hilda’s yourself.

Stay safe everyone

Julie Southworth


Local Sites of Interest

Good afternoon, the weather is gorgeous and set to be this way for a few days, here are some reminders of what you can experience in our local area.

West Pennine Way

As the message is to stay away from the Lake District and other local beauty spots it is a good opportunity to explore the West Pennine Moors, 90 square miles of beautiful countryside right on our doorstep.  Part of Greenmount is in the West Pennine Moor boundary.

Pick up a set of five leaflets form the outside the Old School, giving maps and a route of the West Pennine Way, devised by the Greenmount Village Walking Group.  Suitable for all casual or serious walkers doing long or short walks.  See for more details.

Moorland Magic Video

With the help of Ken Dearden and the Holcombe Moor Heritage Group we have uploaded a copy of the HMHG’s video ‘Moorland Magic’ to our YouTube channel. This was previously only available on DVD.  It is a lovely watch and very interesting, we hope it lifts your spirits a little during these difficult times.

Private Garden Visit

Closer to home, Gillian Davies usually opens her garden at this time of year to raise money for D-Caff or Alzheimer’s. Unfortunately like everything else this is cancelled for the foreseeable future. However she is prepared to allow groups of no more than 2 or 3 to walk around keeping the necessary distance. If you wish to see her garden  could you ring her on 01204 885829 to book a time slot. Her garden situated on the corner of Newcombe Rd and Summerseat Lane is on a bit of a slope so may not suit everyone. Any voluntary donations would be passed on to the D-Caff.

Take care and please stay safe