
Upcoming Greenmount Old School Table Top Sales

Table Top Sales are arranged for:

  • Sat. 18th September
  • Sat. 2nd October*
  • Sat.16th October
  • Sat.6th November*
  • Saturday 20th November
  • Christmas Cracker Fair will be on 4th December
  • Saturday 11th December*

*same day as a Drop In when café will be open..)

All money raised will go towards alterations to the toilet area off the corridor and a new kitchen.

The success of the Table Top Sales depends on all our volunteers and that enough people are there to set up from 7.45am; sell on a stalls from 9am to 12; clear away 12 to 1pm.

New volunteers from our community are very welcome. 

If interested please email Christine at [email protected] and say the time which suits you best.

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