
COVID-19 Masks – Update

Recently we informed you of a local resident, Kath Anderson, who has been making masks and selling them at Holcombe Brook Post Office for a minimum donation of £2, towards NHS Charities. There is a high demand and many orders have been placed from the community, Kath has asked if there are any sewers amongst you who may be willing to lend a hand.

We have attached an information sheet which will give you links to YouTube videos, which are very useful. You are asked to use your own materials but if you are struggling to get elastic Kath has plenty for sale at a cheap price, which she explains in her information sheet.

Should you decide to have a go at making these and can assist her in meeting the demand, please could you email me back and I will arrange to collect the masks and deliver them to her home.

Thank you in anticipation for your support.

Keep well and stay safe everyone,

Kind Regards

Julie Southworth

One reply on “COVID-19 Masks – Update”

Hello Kath
I have been making masks to my own spec before I got your mask instructions, I have inserted copper wire for a snug fit around the nose so it will not rust during washing. I will make them your way in future. I have stopped at the moment as I ran out of elastic and am waiting for a delivery.
I have also half made 2 sets of scrubs they are in white cotton so can be washed at high temperature but not sure if white is acceptable! I will wash them all tomorrow so they should be safe. I can do sewing if you need sewers ( the sewing machine type not the drains type)
I also have a quantity of food donations but not sure what to do with them!
I’m 75 and not allowed to go out, so let me know if there is any other way to help.
Keep up the good work

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