Dear All
After our committee meeting last night, we are delighted to announce that work will be commencing on the Island Lodge Restoration Project next week. A contractor, J&D Jenkinsons, has been selected and the initial tree works will be starting on 4th March (see note below). The remaining phase 1 work will happen from the end of April through until August 2024.
A map is available on the Proffitts CIC website which has lots of information about the upgrades. This is attached to this message; the larger copy is available here: Island Lodge Map and an information board has now been erected on the viaduct.
This is a joint project involving Greenmount Village Community, Tottington and District Civic Society, Bury and District Angling Society, Tottington Litter Pickers and Bury Council on a project to improve the Island Lodge area in the Kirklees Valley nature reserve. The aim of the project, which has been funded by the council and an independent funder, is to improve the area for local visitors and to help establish the lodge area as a haven for wildlife.
These planned ‘Phase 1’ works include improving access to the lodge by upgrading and repairing pathways around the site, and woodland management works including tree thinning and shrub clearance to improve sight lines and open-up the paths for visitors.
Some of the woodland management work will take place during this winter season so as not to disturb the birds and bats. Advice is being taken from the Borough Council Wildlife Officer, Environment Agency, and ecologists.
Major engineering works to repair the lodge dam wall will follow in 2024/25. Additional seating, bins, signage, and interpretation boards displaying historical and wildlife information will also be installed in a later phase.
Christine Taylor of Tottington Civic Society, who has been committed to this project for many years, is very happy to see that work is finally commencing to restore the Lodge to its former glory. Julie Southworth, Chair of Greenmount Village Community, who has coordinated the planning and obtained the funding commitments is delighted and grateful to Bury Council and to Proffitts Investing in Communities who are fully committed to delivering the project.
Note on tree works – it’s best practice works both for woodland management and health and safety. The trees which have been sprayed to come out are those which are dead, diseased, dying (e.g. ash die back) or affecting/overhanging the rights of way. The tree works are being carried out in the appropriate season so there is no impact on nesting birds.
John Southworth