The on-site work to update the accessibility to and expand the facilities on the village green will begin next week. An official entrance will be built on to Brandlesholme Road in place of the current unofficial one, through the gap in the hedge. Also, a new hard standing area is being created to eventually house a hopscotch/activity area.
Chairperson Julie Southworth took time out from her artistic contribution to supervise the planning of the installation of the entrance and activity area today, meeting with the approved council contractor.
In addition, installation of fixtures for the new well-being trail will begin on Friday. Our volunteers will be on the Lines to begin the task of installing new benches and sign stations for the well-being trail. The trail, the signs, mountings and benches have been designed and manufactured by volunteers with the help of a sign writing company for printing services. This work will continue over coming weeks.
John Southworth