Just a reminder that we are meeting this Friday 29th April at 10am in Old Kays Park to continue tidying up the fallen trees etc.
I hope you can join us.
Have a good week,
Alistair Waddell

Just a reminder that we are meeting this Friday 29th April at 10am in Old Kays Park to continue tidying up the fallen trees etc.
I hope you can join us.
Have a good week,
Alistair Waddell
Dear All
If you are planning on holding a street party for the Queen’s Jubilee, you can apply to the council for a road closure by April 15th. There is no fee to apply for a road closure to hold a street party.
Apply here: https://www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=11740
Can I also remind you that Greenmount Village Community will be organising a village yard party on Friday 3rd June at the Old School with activities for all the family on the village green. There will also be other events over the weekend. More information to follow.
Kind regards,
Julie Southworth
Dear All,
Many of you will be aware of all the hard work which takes place at Greenmount Old School when running Jumble Sales and Collector’s Fairs. These activities contribute to the upkeep of the building, allowing a comfortable environment for all the groups who use this space, and there are many.
Our volunteers work with dedication every day of the week, sorting out all the items that you so kindly donate.
What is needed is help displaying all the items for the collector’s fair which takes several days to set up. If you think that you would like to get involved in some way, even if it is just for an hour or two, or if you are free to make tea and coffee when the event takes place, then please see the attached documents which will give you a break down of the help that is needed in the next two weeks.
Please help us to keep this fabulous building going by contributing your time and you never know, you might make new friends on the way.
Kind regards,
Julie Southworth
HELP-NEEDED-FOR-THESE-EVENTS-emailsGood afternoon to all
If you live in Greenmount you will be receiving a copy of Greenmount Voice through your letter box this week, a digital copy is attached to this post. You will be able to read about the local projects which have won significant funding in our area, all by groups run by people who are passionate about improving our community.
Also, there are updates on sales events at the Old School, our planned celebrations for the Platinum Jubilee, progress on the new Well-being trail and news about the reopening of D-CaFF.
Also attached is a copy of the poster advertising the Rotary event for Ukraine as it was missing from some emails sent out yesterday
Best wishes
John Southworth
Dear All
Make sure you are registered to vote! The local elections are four weeks away and this is your chance to have your say about who represents you on Bury Council.
There are two important changes to note this year:
If you are not already on the electoral roll, the deadline to register to vote in these elections is midnight on Thursday 14th April.
To register, go to www.gov.uk/register-to-vote You will be asked for your National Insurance number, but you can still register if you do not have one.
If you don’t usually vote by post, you can apply for one by downloading a form here: www.electoralcommission.org.uk/i-am-a/voter/apply-vote-post.
You will need to return this form before 5pm on Tuesday 19th April. Once you have provided the required information, you will be sent a ballot paper approximately two weeks before the day of the election. If you apply to vote by post, you will not be able to vote in person at a polling station.
Good Morning
Please could you support this event in aid of Ukraine being organised by Ramsbottom Rotary, at St Paul’s Church on 23rd April.
See attached poster for full details, tickets can also be purchased from Rotarian Jim Hurst [email protected]
Also, a correction to my email yesterday regarding MOD firing at the Holcombe Moor Training Centre. The firing is actually on Wednesday (today), Thursday, Saturday and Sunday and not Friday as I incorrectly stated yesterday.
Best Wishes
John Southworth
The next Woodland Management session will be on Friday 29th April starting at 10am meeting at Old Kays Park in the car park on Hollymount Lane. There remains a lot of work to do in this park felling all the dead trees and opening up the space for the new saplings to grow.
I hope that you can join us.
Kind regards,
Dear All
Please find attached a schedule of guided walks planned by the Greenmount Village Community Walking Group in April and May.
All are welcome, no membership required, come regularly or just occasionally. You are advised to wear appropriate clothing and hiking boots. We will walk even if it is raining! On longer walks bring a packed lunch. There are plenty of stiles and several steep inclines. Sorry no dogs.
See our website www.westpennineway.org for detailed information on West Pennine Way, Link to Pennine Way and Friday Evening Walks starting 6th May.
Julie Southworth
WALKS-April-and-May-2022Good Morning
If anyone is planning to go up on Holcombe Moor or Bull Hill this week or over the weekend, please note that the MOD will be Live Firing at the Holcombe Moor Training Centre on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
During these times, the red flags will be flying and the range area, including the public rights of way across it is strictly OUT OF BOUNDS to the public.
Please help to keep open normal access to this area and avoid hindering training activities by respecting this temporary closure.
Take care
John Southworth
HMTC-Firing-Notice-02-Apr-to-08-Apr-2022 HMTC-Firing-Notice-09-Apr-to-15-Apr-2022