Good Afternoon
For your information, there has been an update on the Greater Manchester Places for Everyone Joint Development Plan (P4E), formerly the Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF), issued by Bury MBC planning department. The development plan documentation, which covers the period until 2037, has now been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate covering every borough in Greater Manchester. Please find attached to this email the Notice of Submission which explains the procedure for the next stage of the plan, including where the documents are available for inspection electronically.
Each of the documents for all ten boroughs can be viewed here:
For ease I have extracted links to the documents specific to development planning in Bury, including the site omissions and issues raised.
Bury Community Involvement Compliance Statement:
Additions to Bury Greenbelt:
Bury Omission Sites Issues:
Bury’s Allocations Issues Summary:
Specifically, regarding Greenmount, several sites in the immediate area were submitted by landowners for consideration for development in the plan. It is now confirmed that all of these have been turned down and do not appear in the plan. I have attached a screenshot however concerning the omission from the plan of a major site which was proposed in Greenmount, the land bordered by Longsight Road and Brandlesholme Road and land bordered by Shepherd Street near its junction with Brandlesholme Road. The omission of this site from development has been challenged by Peel L&P Investments. I have attached a screenshot of the relevant page in the Omission Sites Issue document where Peel Holdings have raised an issue with this parcel of land having been refused permission and the planner’s response to their issue. Note: This land in Greenmount is not included in the final P4E plan but appears to be one of those areas to be still under threat of development if the P4E plan should fail for any reason.
Best wishes
Julie Southworth