Please find all the information related to the annual Greenmount Advent Window event below.
Printable version here:
1 & 2
Month: November 2021
John Southworth has kindly taken the time to update our long out of date village welcome pack PDF. You will see it below and also here on the website.
Woodland Management
Just a reminder that we are meeting up this Friday 3rd December at the Pre-School garden near Station Road in Greenmount at 10am. We will be continuing to do maintenance on the Lines as well as the annual leaf blowing and clearing of the pat from The Hub to Shepherd Street. I have attached a map with postcode of BL8 4BJ.
I hope you can join us, the weather forecast is 7 deg and gentle breeze and drizzle, so for now no reason to cancel.
All the best,
Good Morning
Ian George, the Treasurer for our local talking newspaper, Bury Pipeline, is asking for help.
For the last 40 years volunteers at Bury Pipeline have recorded articles from The Bury Times for the blind and partially sighted.
They have recently restarted their recording activities following the pandemic. Unfortunately during this time they have lost some of their volunteers.
They are looking for help on Thursday pm/Fridays am, usually once a month for a couple of hours at Tottington Library ( on a 4 week rota basis). If anyone is interested, please contact Ian, [email protected] and he can provide more information on the roles they are looking for help with.
Julie Southworth
Greenmount Golf Club Calendar
Good Morning
The Greenmount Golf Club 2022 calendar is now available. This calendar features member photographs of the beautiful course.
Available from the club house bar for £8 cash or message Wendy Power (07974196947) and she can deliver.
In aid of the Ladies Section , photographs of the calendar are attached.
Best Wishes
Julie Southworth

MOD Firing Times – Holcombe Moor
Good Morning
If anyone is planning to go up on Holcombe Moor or Bull Hill in the next fortnight, please note that the MOD will be Live Firing at the Holcombe Moor Training Centre for three days next week (Tues-Thurs) and three days w/c 4th December.
During these times, the red flags will be flying and the range area, including the public rights of way across it is strictly OUT OF BOUNDS to the public.
Please help to keep open normal access to this area by respecting this temporary closure.
Take care
John Southworth

Dear All,
Please see below a message from The Square Street Singers
Following on from the success of the Christmas Cornucopia Concert in 2019, the Choir is happy to present a Christmas Concert at the Theatre Royal, Ramsbottom on Saturday 4th December 2021 from 7.30pm
There will be a mixed programme of songs and carols plus readings presented by The Square Street Singers and other members of Summerseat Players.
Seasonal refreshments are included, and the Bar will be open.
Tickets are available NOW from and are priced at just £8/adult and £5/child
Kind regards,
Julie Southworth

Jean Clayton
Good Morning
Please find below a message from John Mather, the nephew of Jean Clayton who has recently passed away.
Julie Southworth
I can now confirm that Jean’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 1st December at Greenmount United Reformed Church commencing at 11:30am. This will be followed by cremation at Radcliffe crematorium. I am presently trying to organise a suitable venue for refreshments.
It is intended that a notice will be included in this week’s Bury Times.
I am happy for people to contact me directly, by either phone or e-mail, should they want to make any comments, additional information, etc.
John 07514-007235
Dear All,
Just to confirm the attendance of Healthwatch Bury at the Cuppa and Chat session this week from 2 – 4pm, to follow up on booster/flu jabs and support residents with any other concerns they may have.
They also have two new surveys that you may be interested in completing:
- Urgent Care Survey- a short survey for those who have used urgent care services recently.
- Financial Assessment Survey- a longer survey for those who have had a financial assessment by Bury Council.
I have attached copies of both surveys for you to review. You do not have to be attending Cuppa and Chat, just turn up if you wish to speak to anyone from Healthwatch. You may want to complete the survey attached and drop it off at The Old School Thursday afternoon.
Kind Regards,
Julie Southworth
Dear All,
Further to the information given out earlier this week about The Ramsbottom Pantry, please see the note below from Elaine Duckworth.
“Holcombe Brook Methodist Church on Bolton Road West, near Woodhey School, is also a collection point for Ramsbottom Pantry every Saturday morning. Tinned and packet food, cleaning materials, toiletries and toilet rolls are particularly welcome. In addition, the Church holds a coffee morning with a cake and book stall on the 1st Saturday of the month. All are welcome.
Kind regards
Elaine Duckworth
Best Wishes
Julie Southworth