
Businesses urged to have their say on two major consultations

Businesses urged to have their say on two major consultations to help Greater Manchester build back greener

Greater Manchester’s leaders are calling on all businesses to make sure they have their say in two major public consultations to help shape the city-region’s final plans to tackle air pollution as part of efforts to build back cleaner and greener following the pandemic.

Tens of thousands of people have already engaged with the proposals – with over 40,000 finding out more about key elements of the Clean Air Zone (CAZ) and minimum standards for taxis and private hire vehicles licensed in the city-region online.

Businesses and people across the region still have several weeks to have their say on the consultations, which run until 11:59pm on Thursday 3 December 2020. 

People can find out more and give their views at and, or request further support, including copies of consultation documents, on 0161 244 1100.

In a first for Greater Manchester, the websites are hosting a virtual engagement space open 24/7 during the consultation period given government guidance around social distancing.

The virtual engagement area  includes all the consultation materials and we’re running online drop-in sessions where people can ask the Clean Air team questions about the proposals from their computer, tablet or mobile phone.

For businesses and taxi operators, the Clean Air team is also hosting a series of webinars, which offer a more detailed presentation and an opportunity to ask questions about the plans and funding packages being proposed.

Business webinars – 10-11am on Wednesday 18 November and 4-5pm on Thursday 26 November.

Taxi and Private Hire webinars – 2-3pm on Wednesday 11 November and 3-4pm on Wednesday 25 November.

To find out more about the GM Clean Air Plan and how to sign-up to one of the webinars or have a question for the chat, visit



Remembrance Sunday and November 11th 2020

As church will be closed again for the next four weeks due to the second coronavirus lockdown, we have taken Remembrance Sunday’s service online. So, if you can, please join us on Zoom (link below) at 10.30am when Greenmount and Dundee URC will join in our service of remembrance. The late start time is so that we can observe the 2-minute silence at 11 am.

We will then decide whether our Sunday services throughout November should be on Zoom. If you haven’t tried our Zoom services then please give it a try. If you aren’t sure how to get on the service just speak to us and we will try to help you. If you want a hymn sheet for the service email Neil on [email protected]

Topic: Sunday Remembrance Service

Time: Nov 8, 2020 10:30 London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 785 5534 8305

Passcode: a4fDF3

Wednesday November 11th – Armistice Day Service

Due to the present restrictions in place we are unable to hold the service of remembrance at 11am on November 11th. We are also instructed not to have the wreath laying at that time.

Organisations have been asked to lay wreaths between 11.30am and 12.30pm on that day. I will be in church at that time so that those organisations who have ordered wreaths can collect them.

Neil Carter Church Secretary.


Lockdown, what we CAN do

Lockdown 2.0 – What we CAN do

We CAN go to work if unable to work from home

We CAN visit shops that have remained open –remember your face covering

We CAN attend education, as can our children

We CAN visit people in one other household if we live alone

We CAN provide care for the vulnerable or ill

We CAN attend an organised support group of up to 15 people

We CAN exercise outdoors or visit an outdoor public place

We CAN leave home for any medical reason

We CAN attend a place of worship for private prayer

For more, visit:


Bury North Community Hub Update

Dear All,

Please find attached the weekly COVID update from Bury MBC with relevant attachments.

Best Wishes



One Community Bury – Edition 9 RTNM

Hello everyone,

Please see below the One Community newsletter from Bury MBC, with details of current surveys that may be of interest to you. Your views would be very welcome for any of the surveys you wish to respond to.

Also attached is a Bury confidential helpline number for anyone that needs help with their mental wellbeing.

Best regards,

Julie Southworth

In this newsletter –

  • Bury 2030
  • Improving Intermediate Care
  • Hate Crime
  • Minimum Licensing Standards
  • Clean Air Zones
  • Clarence Park

What is Bury 2030?

A vision for our Borough

By 2030 no matter who you are, or where you live, people in the borough of Bury will have equal chances to be the best they can be.

Your invitation to shape our future

Bury 2030 started last year with a “Big Conversation” in which 1,100 people from around the borough gave us their thoughts, wishes and concerns.

This feedback has helped to produce this latest plan – but if it is to succeed, it must have widespread support from all sections of the community: residents and businesses, young and old.

That’s why we’re inviting everyone to join in and help us produce a plan that is truly backed by Bury.

Visit to read the plan and have your say

Improving Intermediate Care in Bury

We (Bury Council and NHS Bury Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)) are seeking views from people living in Bury, local health and care professionals and other interested parties on the proposal to make changes to the way we deliver intermediate care services.

You can access more information and detail on the background to the proposal in a paper that was discussed at our Strategic Commissioning Board, a joint Bury Council and NHS Bury CCG committee, access the paper here.

To capture your views and feedback before any decision on the proposal is made, a period of public consultation will run for 6 weeks from 19th October 2020 until 30th November 2020 – click here to have your say

Hate Crime Awareness

Bury Council and GMP are carrying out this hate crime questionnaire to gain an understanding into people’s knowledge of hate crimes and assist both GMP and Bury Council to more effectively tackle hate crime and how anti-hate crime awareness can be improved. You can have your say and be entered into a prize draw by clicking here

Clean Air Zone & Minimum Licensing Standards

Have your say this autumn on important plans for the future of our borough and Greater Manchester. They are:

Look out for the consultations on each plan, find out more, sign up for updates and tell us what you think.

  • The Clean Air Zone consultation is to run from 8th October to 3rd December
  • Consultation on minimum licensing standards for taxis and private hire vehicles is to run from 8th October to 3rd December:

Clarence Park

Across the Borough of Bury there are 12 Green Flag accredited parks of which Clarence Park is one. Clarence Park was first granted the Green Flag award in 2005 and has achieved it every year since – 16 years running. 

To help us build on the Green Flag success at Clarence Park and to help shape future plans for the park, please spare a few minutes to complete the Clarence Park feedback survey.  The survey will run until Wednesday 18 November 2020. Please note that any future improvements at the park will be subject to securing adequate funding. 

Thank you for your continued support,

Kind regards, The One Community Team


Holcombe Moor TC Firing Notices

Good morning

Please find attached the firing notices from Holcombe Moor TC, noting that there will be firing over the weekend of 21/22 November.  During this time please observe the red flags and avoid encroaching on or crossing over MOD land during this time as per the notices displayed on the moor.

Best regards

Julie Southworth


Village Green Project – Phase 2 Update


What a strange time it is that we live in! Need I say more?

The Phase 2 of the Village Green started in August 2019 and was due to be a 6 week project. The plan was to have a formal opening on Halloween 2019, and here we are a year later…….

Firstly may I thank you all for your patience with this project. I know some of you have been concerned as to what has been going on, especially since I have stepped down from the role of Chairman. I agreed with Julie that I would see this project through and we are nearly there.

I could list the many challenges that have bedevilled this project, but the current rainy weather is a repeat of last Autumn’s deluge and October looks like changing places with April for rainfall. Due to the sodden ground last year the project was put on hold and then Covid! Even something as simple as having signs/plaques made up  was a challenge as the manufacturers were busy with orders for Covid safety notices.

This month the Inspector from RoSPA passed off the Zip Wire and other items as safe which we are very grateful for. A minor accident did occur on the Zip Wire and so the ride was shortened and spring dampers put in place to protect the rider from hitting the wooden supports. We mentioned to the Inspector that it was hardly a “zip” experience. His comment was to say it requires running in, as it meets all the standards for a Zip Wire. So please give it a go (in fact many) and let us run it in. Unfortunately the grass under the ride did not have enough time to grow and mature, so expect a muddy experience.

It is lovely to see the whole Green so busy with activity. Many may have forgotten how badly it used to flood. I am grateful to Grant Brooks who is a resident of Greenmount for his wonderful drone footage taken in February 2018 which reminds us just how bad it was. Click on this link to view it 

The project is finished now, but as with many things there are a few loose ends which require sorting. These are:

  • The wire trays need installing in the BBQ by the two picnic tables
  • The boules area requires another level of stone and to be made to make it a suitable play surface for boules/petanque
  • The stone work on the path is still loose and requires compacting. After Phase 1 it had been fine, so this is a backward step at the moment
  • There are a few puddles which can do with maintenance

The contractor is aware of this list, but as yet has not set a date to return. Please give them space when they do return.

Now  that it has passed the safety inspection and all the signs are in place, go ahead and enjoy this marvellous facility in our village.

All the best,
