Dear All,
I recently sent a message about a Jigsaw Library we are setting up at Greenmount Old School. As we are unable to open for Saturday Morning Drop In sessions nor run Jumble Sales, this is a good opportunity for residents to borrow a jigsaw for the small sum of £2. You can spend as long as you wish completing the puzzle and should you like another one, your next loan will cost you only £1.
This small fee enables us to raise some funds for The Old School which still has fixed running costs. More important this allows our residents some enjoyment in the winter months from a good old-fashioned pastime.
One of our Greenmount Helpers has kindly volunteered to run the Jigsaw Library, with other helpers also available to deliver your requests.
The lady in question is: Anke Harris who you can email directly at – [email protected] or text or call on 07825016950
(she would prefer a text, but she is also willing to take calls.
When you look at the photographs in the attached document, you will see that each jigsaw is numbered. Once you know which one you would like, you simply text or email Anke leaving your address and contact number and it can be delivered directly to you. Alternatively you could make arrangements with Anke to collect your jigsaw puzzle from the Old School on a Saturday morning between 10am – 11am letting her know in advance which number you have chosen.
I hope the above instructions are clear but should you have any problems please do not hesitate to contact me or speak directly to Anke for further clarification.
I hope you enjoy the Jigsaw Library and if you know of a neighbour who does not have access to email but may be interested in loaning a jigsaw, then please print out the pictures and show them what is on offer. This will help us to reach out further to our community. If anyone has any jigsaws they wish to donate to this scheme, these can be left in the foyer of The Old School between 9.30am and 11.45am any Saturday morning.
With kind regards,
Julie Southworth