
Defibrillator Fund Raising Event – TLRG

Dear All,

The Totty Lines Running Group (TLRG) was established on 6th September 2016 as an informal group  who like to run, jog or walk around Tottington and further afield.  The group has decided to organise a 24 hour endurance event for 5th September 2020 that involves running, jogging, walking (and probably crawling) lengths of the 2.14 miles of the Lines for 24 hours until 0700 Sunday 6th September 2020.

The group is raising funds to install a defibrillator machine to be situated close to the Lines in Tottington. 

All donations no matter how big or small will  be gratefully received and used to support Emergency Life Saving Equipment.  Here is the sponsorship link, all donations would be greatly appreciated as would verbal or other encouragement at the actual event.

Thank you

Julie Southworth


Bury Directory

Dear All,

I am writing to inform you of the council run Bury Directory which is an online resource where people can find out about the many things taking place in Bury e.g. courses, activities, events, wellbeing, etc. as well as practical information on volunteering, employment, housing, safeguarding, and much more.

In Greenmount The D-Caff, Walking Group and Playschool already have pages on this site. For anyone who runs a regular activity at the Old School or books for special events (e.g. Tottington Horticultural Society), the Bury Directory would be a good index in order to list your activity. Likewise any activities taking place in other areas of Greenmount, i.e. The Cricket Club, Holly Mount Orchard may also find it useful.

I know the current situation is unstable at present but should you wish to set up a page on the directory to promote what you offer you can contact the team on and they will advise how to set your page up.

Please find here the weblink for the Bury Directory –

Kind regards

Julie Southworth


Village clean-up

Good morning everyone

It is time for another village tidy up session. There are so many weeds growing in and around the Old School grounds, against the zebra crossing and lots of other places particularly around the centre area, we need to make our village centre look cared for.

We are planning to do this on Saturday 29th August between 10am and noon. If you could help that would be great, please bring your own gloves, any tools useful for lifting weeds and a brush and shovel if possible. Litter pickers and bags for rubbish will be provided. The jobs are allocated by writing them down on cards which will be on a table outside the back door of old school, simply pick up the card and it is then allocated to you.

Please adhere to social distancing rules, this should be possible without too much difficulty.

We hope to see you there.

Julie Southworth


Tottington Centre re-opening

Good afternoon everyone,

Please find attached a message we have received from the Tottington Centre regarding its reopening.

Best wishes


Good News from The Tottington Centre – A Phased Reopening

We are delighted to announce, that from Monday 17 August, we are back with a limited service and reduced opening times – but at least we are here for you once more.

We are starting with an “Order and Collect” service, as are many other libraries locally and nationally. We are also following a National Recovery Plan for Libraries set out by the Government.

So – how does “Order and Collect” work? There are various option for everyone.

Library members will be able to order books online, via The Tottington Centre website.

The whole of the Library catalogue list is online, together with an online order form.

The website address is: Orders are now being taken and all orders will be ready for collection within 3 days of ordering. You just choose the best a collection day for you.

Another option for ordering books is to for you to print off the order form attached with this email and to return it by hand to the box in our porch during opening hours, or you can download and save this order form and return by email to:  

Anyone without access to a computer can pick up an order form from the porch and return it by hand.  Look out for the box in our porch. There is an option for everyone.

Opening Times:

Our pre-booked collection opening times are:

  • Monday:  2-5pm
  • Wednesday: 2-5pm
  • Thursday: 2-5pm
  • Saturday: 10.30 – 12 noon

Returning Books:

Books can also be returned during these new opening hours. Or anytime the porch door is open. The door will be open on most days for the next couple of weeks so that you can return books and pick up forms.

If you have books on loan, please return them as soon as possible so that the Library has a full selection of books available for loan.

All returned books will be quarantined for 72 hours before becoming  available for loan once again.

Please place books in the Returns Box in the porch.

Borrowing Books:

You can still borrow up to 6 books for 3 weeks at a time. Just use either the online order form or the printed order forms to request your 6 individual titles.

We are also introducing “Ready Reads” where you tell us what you like to read and we will pick a selection of books for you. You can request anything from thrillers, romance, junior fiction, picture books, to  a range of  non – fiction.  The world is your oyster – have fun letting us pick for you!

All our catalogue lists are availabe online as PDF documuments and can be saved or printed. Why not ask us, or family, or friends if you need any individual lists printing.

New Members:

New members wanting to join will need to fill in a membership form, available from our porch and bring proof of ID. If you would like to pay the £2.50 membership fee, pop your money into the collection box in the porch – sorry we cannot give change as we are not handling cash. Or  visit our just giving page. The link is at the end of this email.

Book Donations:

You have always supported us with your book donations and in the past we have had fantastic book sales. Remember those days? One day we will be able to accept your donations and hold fundraising events again. Not for the foreseeable future though. If you would like to support our other fundraising initiatives – why not join our 100 Club or support us with just giving or easy funding? 100 Club packs available in the porch. We’ve had lots of winners during lockdown winning up to £100.

No Public Access to the building:

Following Government guidance, the building will remain closed to the public: meeting rooms will remain out of use; there is no access to our computers or printing and photocopying.

The Tea Room will also remain closed. However, Kelly-Ann has a delivery service.  or  phone: 0797 101 2204. Contact her to be added to her Menu Mailing list.

Health and Safety:

We have carried out a Risk Assessment. The Health and Safety of our volunteers and members is paramount. Social distancing and strict hygiene measures are all in place.

You will also see social distancing measures in place when you are ordering or collecting your books. One In and One Out system in the porch, queuing areas, hand sanitser etc. 

We hope that you will continue to support us in this strange new world we find ourselves in and we look forward to serving you and seeing you again – albeit through glass and in a socially distanced way.

For further information or assistance please contact us during our new opening times. When we are not open, volunteers will not be in The Tottington  Centre to respond to phone calls or emails.

Contact us:

 Phone: 07902671040


 Remember Our New Opening Times:

  • Monday:  2-5pm
  • Wednesday: 2-5pm
  • Thursday: 2-5pm
  • Saturday: 10.30 – 12 noon

Thank you for your continuing support.

Best wishes, from Friends of Tottington Library (FOTL)

Contact us at:




Phone:                 07902 671040

Address:              The Tottington Centre, Market Street, Tottington, Bury BL8 3LL

Thank you for your donations to help support the Centre and Library:

Just Giving: Easyfundraising:



Old School Jumble

Hello All

We have a message from Faith Greenhalgh regarding the jumble collection facility at the Old School which we would like to share.

If anyone is thinking of bringing jumble to the Old School please don’t, we are not likely to have any sales for some time and we cannot store masses of stuff, people have left some which has become wet through and if it is damaged someone has to take it to the tip. There is a sign up to this effect that is being ignored. In normal circumstances we would be very grateful for items to sell but these are far from normal times.

Best regards

Julie Southworth



Consultation on Highway Code

Good Morning

The UK Government is undertaking a consultation on the Highway Code. Basically it is to improve road safety for cyclists, pedestrians and horse riders. If you wish to participate please use the following link.

The main alterations to the code being proposed are:

·         introducing a hierarchy of road users which ensures that those road users who can do the greatest harm have the greatest responsibility to reduce the danger or threat they may pose to others

·         clarifying existing rules on pedestrian priority on pavements, to advise that drivers and riders should give way to pedestrians crossing or waiting to cross the road,

·         providing guidance on cyclist priority at junctions to advise drivers to give priority to cyclists at junctions when travelling straight ahead

·         establishing guidance on safe passing distances and speeds when overtaking cyclists and horse riders

Best regards

Julie Southworth


Corona Virus Updates

Dear All

Here is some information from Bury Council which you may find useful concerning the local lockdown rules in our area.

The attached corona virus flyer has been distributed by the council, hard copies are also being distributed.

Here is a link to the latest local guidance

Also attached is a flyer promoting the Bury Directory which is a very useful website for discovering local activities and services covering a wide range of activities

Stay safe everyone

Julie Southworth




Bury North Hub Updates

Dear All,

I have been working with the council from the Bury North Hub in acknowledging the needs of the community during these difficult times. Mental Health and Wellbeing is paramount. Please find attached information which has been made available to assist residents in need of support.

Please circulate this information to friends and family and any residents who you know do not receive our emails.

Thank you for your support in helping to make our community feel safe and cared for during these difficult times.

Kind regards

Julie Southworth



Live firing 8th – 14th Aug
