
Brandlesholme Foodbank

If you or someone that you know is in need of food at this difficult time in the Bury North area please contact Brandlesholme Foodbank, they can help.

Call 0117 313 4474 and press option 1.

Alternatively, if you wish to donate £5 online you can do so by texting BCCFIVER to 70470

Or by visiting

#StayHome #StaySafe


COVID-19 Masks – Update

Recently we informed you of a local resident, Kath Anderson, who has been making masks and selling them at Holcombe Brook Post Office for a minimum donation of £2, towards NHS Charities. There is a high demand and many orders have been placed from the community, Kath has asked if there are any sewers amongst you who may be willing to lend a hand.

We have attached an information sheet which will give you links to YouTube videos, which are very useful. You are asked to use your own materials but if you are struggling to get elastic Kath has plenty for sale at a cheap price, which she explains in her information sheet.

Should you decide to have a go at making these and can assist her in meeting the demand, please could you email me back and I will arrange to collect the masks and deliver them to her home.

Thank you in anticipation for your support.

Keep well and stay safe everyone,

Kind Regards

Julie Southworth




Scrubs, your help is requested

We hope you are all keeping safe and enjoying this beautiful weather from your garden or during your daily exercise. Here is some information to inform you of the work some of our residents are getting involved in regarding scrubs production.

As you are aware there is an urgent demand for scrubs across the country and here in Bury, as well as the rest of the country, Scrub Hubs have been setup by volunteers to assist in the making of these garments. Some of the residents in Greenmount have taken on the challenge and are assisting the Bury, Oldham, Rochdale Scrub Hub.

If you are able to assist in any way, either by donations or joining in by making scrub bags (for the scrubs to go into after use), then your help would be very much appreciated. For more information regarding Scrubs Hub please see the attached document, to donate to assist with vital fundraising.

Please visit the link below:

With Kind Regards

Julie Southworth



Warnings of fraudulent and criminal activities

Attached to this email are two early warning notices received today from Bury Council regarding potential fraudulent and criminal activities relating to the COVID-19 crisis.

Please be on your guard.

Stay safe




Community News

We hope everybody is keeping safe and well, here are some community news updates.

Protective Masks

A local resident, Kath Anderson has organised a team to manufacture protective face masks which are washable and therefore reusable, please see the attached photo for a sample design.   These are being supplied to a local care home but are now also available for the general public.  From today they can be obtained from Holcombe Brook Post Office, for a suggested minimum donation of £2 for NHS charities.  If you cannot get to the Post Office please either email or call Greenmount Helpers to arrange to have a delivery.

Porch Boxes

A request from the Porch Boxes organisation, Greenmount Old School has a collection box for donations which sadly can’t be used during lockdown. Because a lot of donations to Porch Boxes usually come through schools & churches which are now closed stocks are sadly falling at a time when need is rising. To alleviate this problem it has been decided that boxes will be put outside people’s houses where possible, there is one located outside of 31 Greenheys Crescent and other nearby locations.  Please read the attached document from Porch Boxes for full information, thank you.


Brown Bins

A reminder that the brown bins should be emptied as normal this week as the council have overcome the staffing problem which led to some bins not being emptied two weeks ago.

Best wishes, stay safe everyone


Greenmount Remembers

A message from Neil @ Greenmount URC

To mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in Europe we are planning to produce a booklet about the men remembered on the Greenmount war memorials.  There are thirteen men recorded across the three memorials, village, church and cricket club and we hope to find out a little about their lives and where they died.

The thirteen are;

Lieut.  Ian R. A. Adamson  R. N.

Tpr. Harry Barrow

Tpr. P. Blinkhorn

Sto. Meck. Gordon Butterworth

R. O. J. Fallon

L/Cpl. Neville Pilling

O. S. William Platt

Capt. Kenneth Savin

ERA Joseph Scholes

Sjt.T. Smith

L/Sjt. Clarence Vernon

Pte. T. Warbuton

Gnr. J. Yates

It is possible that you are related to one of the above or have some knowledge about them which you would be willing to share with us.

Two years ago we wrote a booklet about the first world war soldiers remembered on the church memorial.  We   hope that if we can gather enough information a similar booklet can be produced.

Greenmount during the war years

We are also interested to hear about Greenmount during the war years or any personal or family recollections about that time.  The background information and recollections help in building a picture of that time.

Please contact us by email

or by phone 01204 880709.


A mesage from Greenmount URC

Holcombe Road, Greenmount.

Due to the coronavirus government guidance the Church and Old School are closed.

The church is worshipping by sharing in online services across our missional partnership.

The Rev. Richard Bradley is leading Sunday services online – the easiest way to access these is by going to the Bamford URC website then click on the Worship box and scroll down the page to the service.

The Digest is not being published at this time.

If you need any further details about services or activities in the Old School please contact the church secretary Neil Carter.

Email or phone 01204880709.


Greenmount Helpers

A reminder that in addition running errands such as prescriptions, posting mail and shopping collections Greenmount Helpers can also provide you with someone friendly to talk to if you are feeling lonely and need a chat.  I have attached a copy of the leaflet to this email if you need a reminder of the services on offer.  

For regular updates you can also:

Visit our website

Like our Facebook page @GreenmountVillage

Follow our Twitter account @GreenmountVill



Food Suppliers List V7

Attached is version 7 of the food suppliers list, remember that if you are unable to collect any food order Greenmount Helpers can do this for you, call 07958 173940



Bin Collections

Attached is an update from Bury Council regarding the reinstatement of brown bin collections.  Please read the document and if possible sign up for email updates from the council, it is a very useful service providing updates in an ever changing situation.
